Can anyone tell me if as a Lupus patient with other complex health issues whether I should take antibiotics as a cover in case of infection prior to endoscopy?
Endoscopy : Can anyone tell me if as a Lupus... - LUPUS UK

I doubt it but it is something to discuss with your medical team.
But years ago I had to take antibiotics before going to the dentist for treatment -I have 4 autoimmune disease states - now in these days where antibiotic use is so frowned upon but could cause me harm in not going on them - I just need to know what others with Lupus now do.
Hi, I have had 4 endoscopic over the past 30 years & have 3 Autoimmune diseases. I have never been given antibiotics, even when I had both knees replaced I wasn't prescribed them. If you are worried discuss it with your lupus nurse or doctor and he or she will be able to advise you better, good luck.
I’ve never had to do this, and I’ve had endoscopies as well as surgery last year. As far as I know, it’s not good to take antibiotics unless you have a bacterial infection—otherwise you can develop resistance to antibiotics. But as always, when in doubt, speak to your doctor.
I have to take an antibiotic every night to keep an embedded UTI in the bladder from erupting and giving me Sepsis - had it twice - when I approached the consultant about being on antibiotics for years and would it cause resistance - he said no -and so far that is not the case.
Ah, that makes sense. As always, follow the doctor’s orders!
I certainly would follow the Dr. who told me this - a very eminent man at London hospital who told me to stop switching antibiotics every 2 weeks to avoid - as I had been told - me becoming anti biotic resistant- I stuck with with one antibiotic as he advised and for the first time in 13 years of life threatening UTI’s every 6 weeks they went and were kept under control - the superbug I have embedded needed the constant antibiotic of same type - and I can’t thank that Dr. enough - after all as he pointed out when I asked him about resistance there are people who have to stay on antibiotics for life in some cases ! I won’t go on antibiotics for endoscopy in the hope I heal ok and no bugs affect my immune system if biopsies taken - my healing is poor as I have difficult thyroid condition which has a mind of its own and collagen disorder- I have had endoscopy and colonoscopy before when younger and because I was so poorly and reacted to everything badly I had to have both done without any sedation - wasn’t pleasant to say the least !
That’s an amazing result, to go from frequent severe UTIs to something more manageable! I’m so glad you have such an experienced doctor on your side. All the best with the endoscopy.
Thank you - he was not impressed I had had the problem for over 13 years without more help from the experts and had suffered so -he is a major player in Urogyney treatment and I can't thank him enough. I have never met such an understanding caring Doctor.
I’ve had 2 endoscopies recently and both while I was very immune suppressed, it was never discussed that I was at risk of infection by having the procedure.
Like the others have said best to discuss with your specialist or GP if you are concerned.
Hi. I had 5 endoscopies in succession for investigation purposes, have SLE and other complex conditions and on immunosuppressants. I wasn't put on antibiotics for the procedures.
Prior to an operation requiring a general anaesthetic I was told to pause my MXT.
I'd expect your specialist will advise you prior to the procedure. X
I recently had one, and did not have too
There's very limited risk of getting an infection from the endoscopy it's self. The tube is going into your stomach that is full of acid which should eliminate any bacteria that do enter. (Although highly unlikely given the equipment is cleaned before use).