The spud I dug…: Hello everyone, not been around... - LUPUS UK


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The spud I dug…

Horsewhisper profile image
26 Replies

Hello everyone, not been around for a while as I’ve been gathering the autumnal fruitfulness from the garden and packing out the freezer for winter. I’m also looking after my teenage son who has Covid - which has its challenges as I need to stay completely out of his way. We have a chuckle about it as leaving plates of food at his bedroom door is like feeding time in Jurassic Park - stand well back! 🦖 We’re trying to stay upbeat about it all, but it is a worry all the same particularly as we’ve worked so hard as a family to keep the dreaded C word away from our home.

I thought you might like this pic of this little chap (I think it looks like a he?) I found in the potato patch. I think he looks like a Lama - any other suggestions as to what else he, or she could be? Thanks for reading and I hope you are doing as well as you can be. 🤗😘🤗

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Horsewhisper profile image
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26 Replies
Apricot100 profile image

Hope your son recovers well and you manage to avoid the dreaded C! I think your spud looks like one of those headless marble sculptures... pop it in a gallery! X

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Apricot100

Hi Apricot - yes it does! I hadn’t seen the spud like that initially, but now I can see where the head and arms would go, along with the torso! Thanks for your suggestion! My son is on the mend bit by bit, I think he’s past the worse now. Hope you are doing ok? Xx

Apricot100 profile image
Apricot100 in reply to Horsewhisper

I'm good thanks. I'm 99% recovered from my bout of covid (picked up from my superspreader kids!) from mid Sept. It knocked me sideways and I was very ill for a few weeks as on Rituximab but so far so good on the recovery. Stay safe and take care xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Apricot100

Thanks Apricot - they do like sharing it! Glad to hear that you are on the mend and I hope your recovery continues on the right track. I’m keeping everything crossed that I don’t get it, chances are that I will I suppose - I’m on Tocilizumab and steroids, was about to start Azathioprine but have put that on the back burner for now! Take care too xxx

Chris21 profile image

Hi , sorry to hear your son has COVID, hope he feels better soon and you don’t get it. No matter how careful we are, it still seems to sneak in somehow.Love the spud! Before reading your post, I thought it looked like a baby deer 😊

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Chris21

Hi Chris, yes it does sneak in - despite our best efforts with quite strict rules at home - school aged kids are pretty good at sharing it, so it was only a matter of time. I can see the baby deer, particularly with the little tuff on its head! Thanks for your suggestion! 😁xx

Should make enough mash to feed a dinosaur 😆

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to

😂 indeed! Nice one! And that’s really handy as my son can only eat soft foods at the moment as he has huge mouth ulcers and swollen glands. Lots of ice cream has been left outside of his door, I’ll try cheesy mash for lunch! Xx

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Horsewhisper

Just read what you said your poor son is suffering. I had mouth ulcers and all over my gums when I was very ill with tonsillitis as a child. My doctor advised my Mum to have me rinse and gargle 3 times a day with warm salty water - as salty as you can tolerate - and it really helped. I still use that remedy when I get Lupus mouth ulcers and they disappear again quite quickly. Also regarding mash, I steam and mash in carrot, onion, and parsnip (if I have any) with the tatty which I think makes an even more nutritious dish when I don’t feel like eating. The cheesy mash sounds good too. 👍🏻👍🏻 xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Spotty-ewe

Thanks Spotty, lovely to hear from you. The GP said to gargle with salty water too - as much as he could tolerate it - he couldn’t bear it so he’s got a bottle of Corsydyl and the oral steroids he’s been prescribed are helping. I like the sound of your mash - I’m going to give that a go at the weekend to have with a roast chicken!! Hope you are keeping well? 😘🤗😘

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Horsewhisper

I’m pleased to hear the Corsodyl and oral steroids are helping. 👍🏻 Yes, the mixed mash is delicious and nutritious and is something I often fancy when poorly. It is lovely with chicken which Mum always insisted on giving me when I asked her to make me the mash when I was ill. I hope your son enjoys it.I’m not bad at present thanks HW. I hope you are keeping as well as you can be too. Wishing your son a speedy recovery and praying you keep safe. 🙏🏻 Hugs 🤗😘xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Spotty-ewe

Thank you for the prayers Spotty, they are most welcomed and much appreciated - being in someone’s else’s thoughts at the moment is such a boost! I’ve distracted myself this evening by making a batch of squidgy ginger and chocolate cookies 🍪 I gave one to George and he said “Mum, I know this has loads of ginger in it, although I can’t taste it, my throat has gone very warm!” He’s right - they ARE hugely gingery! 😋🍪😋😘🤗😘

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Horsewhisper

You are welcome HW, you and George are both in my thoughts and prayers. 🙏🏻 Yum, ginger biscuits. 😋 How funny that George could feel them rather than taste them. They’ll do him good too. Take care. Thinking of you both. 🤗😘🙏xxx

Spotty-ewe profile image

Hi HW, I’m so sorry to hear your son has Covid. What a worry for you although you seem to be doing all you can to avoid contracting it yourself. I love the tattie. It did make me smile. It looks like a roe deer calf to me but I can see a llama in it too. Great find! 👍🏻 I’ve had some peculiar shaped ones too in the past which seemed too interesting to eat! 🤣🤣 I hope your son recovers quickly and that you stay safe.🙏🏻 Love and hugs 🤗😘xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Spotty-ewe

A baby deer! Yes I can see that - it’s funny how we all see different things in the same object! Keeping safe from my boy is the hardest thing to do - all he wants is a massive hug and I so want to hold him forever.😔 I sit on the stairs each afternoon and read out loud to him with my mask on and with his bedroom windows and door open. I’m reading Bravo Two Zero by Andy McNab to him which we are both enjoying. It’s day 6 tomorrow so I’m hoping if he tests negative he can be free!! Fingers crossed! 🤞🤞🤞🤗😘🤗

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Horsewhisper

Aww, that is SO hard when you both want a big hug and can’t have it. But that is lovely you reading to him every afternoon. Those are memories you’ll both treasure. 🥰 I remember my Dad reading Alice in Wonderland to me during that awful episode of tonsillitis I mentioned - a chapter each evening. I’ll never forget it. I’ll keep everything crossed for you that your son’s test is negative tomorrow so he can enjoy his freedom once again. 🤗😘Xx

Krazykat26 profile image

Hey 🐎 Good to hear from ya 🤗Your spud looks like Yogi Bear to me!! 🐻

Two of my grandsons have had covid recently too. Schools are breeding grounds as we know. I'm glad to hear your son's improving're gonna have to let him out of his room sometime know this don't u 😉😹🌈😽😽xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Krazykat26

Hi KK! Great to hear from you - yes Yogi Bear with his little tuft of hair! And the shape of his head too - hey Boo Boo! Looking forward to releasing my boy back into the rest of the house - he does seem quite content though snoozing until lunchtime, watching Netflix in the afternoon and then catching up with his mates online in the evening! If I have to isolate, that’s exactly what I would do! 😂 Hope your grandsons are feeling ok? And are you alright at the mo? How’s the situation with your motor? 🚗 😘🤗😘

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Horsewhisper

I'm doing relatively ok thank n downs but nothing major..thankfully!! Grandsons have made full recovery and r now back at school.

Still no news on the car 😔 We have found another route though to get back home from town and it goes along by the river. It's a lovely walk n I'm really enjoying it. Every time I go out these days I'm on the receiving end of the needle 💉 so a walk by the river is helping me..especially now the UV is easier to manage..I can stay out a bit longer 🤠 Last time we went out I fed the ducks n swans on the way's lovely to connect with nature again. So not having a car has had benefits too. 🦆

One thing I will mention on the C front is that although two of my grandsons caught it..the other two and their mum n dad haven't so try to remain positive coz u have been and continue to be very stringent about your hygiene throughout this awful time.

Take care 💜🌈😽😽xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Krazykat26

Hi KK, glad to hear that you have managed to get out and about although not in your new motor. Sorry that it has taken so long, it must be very frustrating for you. At least the ducks and swans have had a bit of an upside with your riverside visits! A bit miffed today as further to a family trip to a drive through PCR testing site, yesterday, hubby and I have tested positive. 😷🦠 Daughter negative despite having a busy but careful social life, son who is now testing negative via LFT after his bout of Covid, is steering well clear of us! It’s like a game of chess in our house, who moves where next?! So I’ve just got my feet up and feeling a bit fluey. Hubby not too bad and is outside wielding a chainsaw! Fingers crossed it’ll be ok and we’ll be back to normal in a couple of weeks - whatever normal is these days! 🤪 You take good care KK and I hope your those wheels turn up soon 🤗😘🤗

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Horsewhisper

Oh mate 😔 I'm soooo sorry to hear that. Loads of gentle cyber 🤗🤗🤗🤗heading your way right now🤗🤗🤗🤗We've all been through so much during this pandemic..n we've kept going n keeping our spirits up as much as possible...I can understand why you're miffed...think my words would be stronger than miffed wonder hubby's welding that chainsaw!!

I really feel for all the parents coping with youngsters still at home..constantly juggling..n now learning chess moves..which ain't easy!!

I'm sure you know the drill though..I have every confidence that u will weather this storm as u do with everything else living with this autoimmune 💩

PM me if u wanna sound off!!

I'm thinking of you..sending healing vibes n couple of 🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄 💜🌈😽😽xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Krazykat26

Thanks KK! Feeling less miffed having read your reply 😌 - hubby much better after having wielded his chainsaw!! I just feel like we’ve lost a battle at keeping the virus out of our home - especially the lengths we went to - but at least we’re double vaccinated, so hopefully it won’t get us too badly. I’ll get over the feeling of battle loss and turn my energies to something productive when feeling a little stronger - I’ve got a glut of blueberries in the fridge so I’ll bake some blueberry muffins! 😋Anyway, fighting AI conditions has given me plenty of practice at cancelling things at short notice, being in it for the long haul and generally feeling 💩 for a lot of the time - so I might be ok! Thanks for your spoons, I’m definitely in need of them! I’ll give them a polish and anti-bac them before returning them to you. Healing hugs received gratefully and I may well PM you if still feeling miffed tomorrow! Have a lovely evening 🤗😘🤗😷🦠🤦‍♀️

Pumpkin2009 profile image

As soon as I saw it, it is a llama to me. It is llamazing! So sorry to hear about your son. I got mouth ulcers with Covid last Nov. and still have some on my top lips that don't bother me now, but have never left. Still can't taste and have the chokey sinus drainage at night. My heart goes out to you and your son. I so hope you don't get it. My husband brought it home and so even me trying to avoid it, didn't work. There is so much not known about this insidious virus and I don't know if anyone will ever know. Take care.

Healing hugs.

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Pumpkin2009

Thank you so much Pumpkin for your very kind wishes. Yes I think it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid it - what will be will be - just taking every precaution possible and remaining as upbeat as possible too. It’s staggering how it affects people in so many different ways and how long it goes on for. Great that you can see the llama too - I think his eye and little snout are quite cute! Big healing hugs by return and I hope your symptoms abate soon for you. Take care 🤗🤗😘

Bowenlady profile image

I’m going with the Lama too. My little grandson was chuffed that several tomatoes on one of his plants had a “horn” on the top. So they became unicorn tomatoes! Hope your son is well soon. Hate seeing youngsters suffering when you are unable to help. 🦋

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Bowenlady

How lovely for your grandson to have unicorn tomatoes! That’s the thing I love about home grown stuff are the weird and wonderful shapes we get! George is well again now, negative LFT yesterday but hubby and I are positive via PCR test. Daughter negative. So it’s the kids steering clear of us now, they’ve disappeared outside for a long dog walk this afternoon! Xx

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