I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and am only a very low dosage of levothyroxine - which I don't think is managing my symptoms. However, I think that I may have lupus symptoms.
I have been diagnosed with dry eyes and suffer badly with discomfort, grittiness, pain and light sensitivity. I have always had nasal issues, with a post nasal drip and sinus problems. I have a cold type infection roughly every 6 weeks throughout the year and when I get Covid I suffer quite bad reactions and am ill for about a month. I also have quite bad ear infections and suffer with my ears in cold weather [I use ear muffs].
I have dry skin [but this is worse in the winter when the heating is on]. My hair is dry and falls out in clumps - even my hairdresser comments on it. However, I don't have bald patches.
I have suffered from really bad headaches for decades and always put those down to hormonal problems.
I also suffer from very painful joints and struggle to use my hands. My finger joints are very inflamed and are bending into very strange shapes. I suffer pain in my feet and have bunions and plantar fasciitis and suffer from tennis elbow and sometimes shoulder pain. X-rays show that I have scoliosis. My GP X-rayed my hands and said there were no "mothy holes" and so my symptoms were down to wear and tear.
I have recently started to suffer with cold feet which turn blue and I have pins and needles in my left hand.
My daughter had a blood test which suggested that she may have lupus and is on a waiting list to see a specialist. My father has been diagnosed with lupus, but not through blood tests. It seems that his diagnosis was through a skin biopsy [although his lung consultant was the one who gave him his diagnosis].
When I went to see my doctor most recently about my eye problems, he asked if there was a family history of lupus. When I told him about my father and my daughter he said that I shouldn't try and be like my father and told me that it was very unlikely that I had lupus. Even though it had been my GP who had mentioned lupus and not me. About 5 or 6 years ago the same GP checked my blood for lupus and told me that I was clear. However, I feel that, as I get older, I seem to have more and more symptoms.
I have only ever noticed a butterfly type rash once [in the winter] and I think that may have been caused by going too close to the wood-burning stove when I was placing wood on the fire. I don't suffer from ulcers.
I thought that I would ask for your guidance as I feel that my GP thinks that I am a hypochondriac [even though I only go and see him when my husband nags at me because he is worried about my declining health]. I do not want to have lupus, but I do not want to find that I have it and have been ignoring it for years.
Any help and advice would be appreciated.