This is the first time I’ve posted on here but i’m worried about my symptoms which have got worse recently. In early March of this year I was hospitalised with Urosepsis and subsequent to IV antibiotics I have been on 4 rounds of antibiotics for repeat UTIs. Every time I come off the antibiotics about 2 days later the symptoms come back (painful bladder, kidney pain on both sides and nausea and mild fever). My fever was 105 when I was hospitalised!
Since I’ve spent more time in the sun in lockdown and working from home I have the following symptoms:-
Very red butterfly rash over nose and cheeks (burning skin)
Itchy skin rash on chest with slight raised patches
Mouth ulcers on both sides (very painful and seem to appear from nowhere)
Joint pain (esp knees, ankles and wrists)
Migraine and nausea (never get migraines normally)
Very painful hip
At times very bad anxiety and panic
Background history
I have unmedicated thyroid autoimmune disease with TPO anti bodies and TgAB antibodies over 1,000
Multi-nodular thyroid gland
Chronic Low lymphocytes and white cell count
Raised CRP (in March it was 22) should be < 5
Chronic iron deficient anaemia (ferritin struggles to get over 10 and has been as low as 3 !) Full investigations cannot find a cause
Raised ANA 1:80 (in 2015)
I was tested for lupus in 2015 but had negative lupus antibodies then but symptoms have got a lot worse this year.
My question is, now I am entering the menopause is it possible I could now have lupus ? My GP is considering referring me when the COVID situation has calmed down but no promises! I am now living on Trimethoprim antibiotic on a long term basis.
Thank you so much to anyone who can give me a bit of advice or any pointers.