Hi guys
I have been coming back to your blogs for the last two months after stumbling onto the site and have now signed up.
I am 27 and last week was diagnosed with 'lupus like' symptoms. I have had a mystery illness since the age of 9 that no-one had been able to diagnose and it came and went so i learned to live with it.
In February I had a UTI and was taken to hospital in an ambulance due to v high temperature and pain. Was eventually discharged after being on drip for a while with antibiotics. The week after I had a red rash all over my face and still could not get out of bed. This was the second red rash as i had had one about 6 weeks earlier.
My mum has APS and recognised the rash and told me to see the GP. I asked to be tested for lupus and she referred me to a Rheumatologist anyway because of my symptoms.
Was v nervous before seeing Rheumie later that week as i expected him to tell me there was nothing wrong with me or that it was not what we thought like all the other investigations i had had.
He was totally lovely, got my history down, felt my hands and feet, saw pics of my rash etc.. He said that my bloodwork was ok apart from anaemia, v low vit d and low folate.
He said for this reason he is calling it Lupus like because to meet the diagnostic criteria (apparently put together for drug research purposes only) the bloods need to be positive (or is it negative?)
He gave me a steroid injection and put me on 5mg of prednisolone along with vit d injection, folate tablet and told me to get vitamin supplements.
Since then i have felt like a different person and have managed to go bk to work after having 5 weeks off due to the flare.
But I'm left with soo many questions!
Has anyone heard of 'lupus like' and do you know if it develops into full blown lupus? My symptoms are red rash, constant fatigue, arthritis pain in hands, feet, hips and knees, constant low grad fever, migraines and sensitivity to the sun. I have also been battling with nausea for the last week.
Any information or advice you guys could give would be great. Sorry for the long post but at the moment i feel I have no-one to talk to. Xxx