Hi All, I'm new to this, hoping someone can just advise and reassure me more than anything.
I'm really not into self-diagnosing, but I'm pretty sure I have Lupus, lots of evidence and supporting pictures which I've documented over the last few months. I also have 7 symptoms of the 11 criteria.
1) What appears to be a mild malar rash
2) Photosensitivity
3) Oral ulcers
4) Arthritis
5) Neurological symptoms
6) Haematological symptoms
7) ANA results (although only mildly elevated)
Trouble is I am literally being dismissed by medical professionals and have recently had a diagnosis of FND, (Functional Neurological Disorder) by a neurologist and FS, (Fibromyalgia syndrome) from a rheumatologist.
Just as a bit of background during a routine dental appointment my Dentist queried mouth ulcers on my palette and I said I was prone to this and they were painless. He said maybe mention to GP as could be Lupus. During my regular Optician appointment, I failed the Field test 3x and my opthalmagist asked if I had a systemic disease.
As a young child and young adult I was under a rheumatologist for Rheumatoid Arthritis then just dropped without explanation.
Over the last few months I have felt so poorly, widespread joint pain and inflammation, sensitivity to sun and breakout in a rash or become tireder and achier if out in in, I have an obvious , although mild malar rash across my cheeks and nose, I have eye swelling and gunky red eyes daily, my blood work had mildly elevated ANA, normal range CRP but I am severely anaemic.
I havent been able to raise my iron and vitamin D levels all year despite taking the required vitamins.
The appointments feel so frustrating as I'm constantly being dismissed.
I have been unable to return to work and feel so guilty.
Ive attached a photo grid showing the rash, sensitivity to the sun, some joint swelling, raynauds and what happens with my eyes.
Just appreciate any suggestions please!