For years now I have suffered from so many random things such as joint pain and fatigue so I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 6 years ago. For years I have also suffered from my skin on my scalp and forehead developing painful lumps and blisters if I’m in the sun for prolonged periods.
I mentioned the problems with the sun once in a gp appointment and at that point I had blistering on my chest however I was just told to use a higher factor suncream.
Lately I have had so much pain in my hands I could hardly do anything requiring me to use fine motor skills so I have started doing some research and so many of my health issues fall into the diagnostic symptoms of lupus. I suffer from fibro, auto immune thyroid disease, migraines, hay fever and extreme coldness in my hands and feet although no discolouration as in Raynauds although my daughter has this. I also have a constant rosy face so I have started taking photos of my face at different times to start building up some evidence. Is this a Malar rash? I did read the flat redness that I suffer from could be this?