"Until now, classification of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was a yes-or-no decision" π
UPDATE: Paper being presented to ACR on Monday 22nd October to propose including ANA-negative folks:
Here is the score sheet (>10 needed for SLE):
For each criterion, do not score if a more likely cause for the symptom exists.
Occurrence of a criterion on at least one occasion is sufficient.
Criteria need not occur simultaneously.
At least one clinical criterion must be present.
Within each domain, only the highest weighted criterion is counted toward the total score.
Constitutional Domain
Unexplained fever >38.3 C (2)
Muco-Cutaneous Domain
Non-scarring alopecia (2)
Oral ulcers (2)
Sub-acute cutaneous or discoid lupus (4)
Acute cutaneous lupus (6)
Arthritis Domain
Synovitis in two or more joints or tenderness in two or more joints or β₯30 minutes of morning stiffness (6)
Neurologic Domain
Delirium (2)
Psychosis (3)
Seizure (5)
Serositis Domain
Pleural or pericardial effusion (5)
Acute pericarditis (6)
Hematological Domain
Leukopenia (3)
Thrombocytopenia (4)
Autoimmune hemolysis (4)
Renal Domain
Proteinuria >0.5g 24 hours (4)
Renal biopsy with Class II or V lupus nephritis (8)
Renal biopsy with Class III or IV lupus nephritis (10)
Antiphospholipid Domain
Present (anti-cardiolipin antibody positive with medium or high units, or anti-Ξ²2-GP1 positive or lupus anticoagulant positive) (2)
Complement Proteins Domain
Low C3 or Low C4 (3)
Low C3 and Low C4 (4)
Highly Specific Antibodies Domain
Anti-dsDNA antibody (6)
Anti-Smith antibody (6)
Formal endorsement by end of 2018! πΎπ₯
XOX EOLHPC π I followed up on the tip in your post: