I am curious, how many of you have a diagnosis of SLE but have never had organ involvement? And how many of you have been diagnosed with SCLE but this has ended up as SLE?
I was diagnosed with SCLE in October/November 2013. Here are some of my blood test results:
ANA positive (but crucially no level given), ENA positive, Anti RO positive, DS-DNA 3.8 iu/ml low titre, ESR 11, CRP 7, Liver function test β Serum Total Protein 80 g/L (range 60-80). (Apparently the lab they sent my blood to didn't do ANA levels - just negative or positive - which I find weird when we were convinced I had Lupus. Maybe they should have sent them somewhere that did.)
My GP told me that I had SLE when she received the results but the Rheumatologist who diagnosed me, said SCLE, due to no organ involvement and the Anti-RO which is specific for sun sensitivity. He described it as mild lupus.
I was later told it only effected my skin and I would need my hydroxy in the summer months only. I would be fine in the winter. (Ha ha).
Interestingly, most GP's record it as SLE in my notes.
In 2016, following a punch biopsy of the rash at the nape of my neck, my diagnosis was amended by a Dermatologist to "SCLE with Systemic Features." I also later that year had another ANA positive blood test, whilst on 20mg a day and tapering over 5 weeks, of steroids. This all led to me now being on 3g a day of MMF (mycophenolate mofetil) a day (from July 2016 onwards), as well as the 2 x 200mg of hydroxychloroquine.
My lupus effects my skin, hair, nails in various ways. I also get chronic fatigue, IBS symptoms including terrible diarrhoea, headaches of all descriptions and duration, a form of tendonitis in my wrists, I've also had bursitis in my hip requiring a steroid injection and I am awaiting an MRI to investigate possible inflammation of the sacroilliac joints in my back due to spasms and tenderness. (I also have OA in my hips, knees and back and slight background hypermobility, varicose veins and borderline aneamia).
So my question is out of curiosity and wanting to understand my own diagnosis, with the amendments etc.
Can you have SLE with no organ involvement ever?
And how many of you previosuly diagnosed with SCLE, now have SLE?
Thank you for your time.