Hope you all don’t mind me asking but wanted to know if you received 10 points for care part of pip,are you now receiving pip?
Question for people awarded 10 points for care pa... - LUPUS UK
Question for people awarded 10 points for care part of pip?

Yes you will get the standard rate which is £57 something a week , 8 to 12 points gets you standard rate you need ,12 or more for higher rate .
I used to receive higher rate for both care and mobility when it was DLA,was awarded it indefinitely.
When I had to change to pip I was only awarded standard rate for care part,so lost my motability vehicle.
This is after having it for over 16 years.
I went to tribunal but they couldn’t make a decision,so requested the last 3 years of my medical records.
Got another date for second tribunal,I wrote a letter asking if they could go ahead without me present.
I was recovering from having my gall bladder removed,plus the stress from previous tribunal sent me into a huge flare.
As it happened the day of the hearing I was in hospital with sepsis,so couldn’t of gone anyway.
Partner rang them and explained this.
I received a letter stating they had decided to adjourn the tribunal as they felt I needed to be there and would get another date through when I had recovered.
I was very surprised to receive a letter this week stating the tribunal had taken place and I was not entitled to anything.
When I had my face to face assessment last year I was awarded 8 points for care and 10 for mobility,I have been receiving standard rate since.
The letter that came they have now given me 10 points for care and 10 points for mobility.
So not only have they had the tribunal without me even being told about it,they have awarded me more points yet taken my pip away from me.
Think there are some major errors been made 😔😔😔
Yes it's an absolute joke I am the same as you been getting DLA indefinitely medium rate for care and high rate mobility for 15years now it's changed to pip I only got 9 points for care and nothing for mobility , I haven't appealed it because of the stress and because my esa is due for review soon and I had a nightmare with that last time and will probably have to appeal that again I don't want two appeals going on at the same time , I won't let it go next time with pip I will get citizens advice to do the forms next time , I didn't get help this time , I was assessed by a nurse supposedly who didn't know what meningitis was he thought it was a condition when it's an infection , where it said on the report what are her symptoms of meningitis he wrote ' she's cured now ' I had meningitis in 2011 and at the assessment he asked if I was still getting symptoms . The report read like a 2 year old had written it . I don't understand why you haven't received your pip if they have given you the points have you rung them it's a free phone number now .
My partner is going to speak to them tomorrow.
He spoke to them the day I got the letter and they said I need to write asking for a set aside,but at that point we hadn’t noticed about the points they had given me.
The whole system is completely mucked up,it’s appalling that genuine people don’t get what they are entitled to and people who lie and cheat there way through the process get it all.
It’s wrong we have to go through all this stress and upset when we have enough to deal with everyday,without feeling like we have to prove we are as bad as we say 😢
Partner spoke to PIP people,they told him the court has authorised for the standard rates to continue being paid to me.
In other words that letter should never have said I wasn’t entitled to any rate.
When we have looked at the paper work a bit better,I noticed the name of the judge who checked and signed this letter was only the same judge who on the same day had been at the hearing and awarded the 10 points.
How bad is that,it just shows he never even read what he was signing.
If he had he would of noticed it was totally wrong.
I have still had to do a letter asking for a set aside,which I have done.
I have also put in the letter about the judge,and that it makes me wonder did he even read any of my medical records.
I think it is really bad that such an error could be made,it has caused me extra unnecessary stress and worry I could really do without right now.
I’ve not long come out of hospital after having sepsis for the second time in the space of a month,all this really isn’t helping me at all 😢😢😢