I've been asked to provide a third urine sample in as many weeks. It shows wcc < 10 and rcc 5-99 i have no idea if that's bad. How many tests am i likely to have to do before someone tells me what's going on? Should i be worried about my kidneys? I finished a course of antibiotics a week ago and still had abnormal results after this. Can anyone advise? Xx
Should I be worried?: I've been asked to provide a... - LUPUS UK
Should I be worried?

Don’t know anything about lab test numbers with WBCs and RBCs in pee but I often have both and my kidneys so far are okay. You may need an ultrasound of bladder and kidneys but they would probably check your bladder function with a cystoscope first I’m guessing. This what I had and all fine despite the frequent UTIs.
In my GP practice they don’t even re-test after a course of antibiotics so at least you can be relieved they are monitoring you well.
Don't worry too much ( I know, easy to say) just be grateful you have doctors who care enough to bother to look at test results. I'm sure if it were anything serious you would be asked to go in to be seen
I can phone for for days/weeks,, only to be told."doctor will be looking at them soon"!
Cathylou, based on your post it looks like you have white blood cells and red blood cells (blood) in your urine. It could be due to a stubborn UTI. I would suspect kidney issues if protein was also present. If you are female, it is possible you may have a bladder condition known as trigonitis, which is a chronic inflammation of the trigone area. Or it could be the beginning of interstitial cystitis. Over a year ago I had a UTI (used to get them quite often). Two courses of antibiotics and there was still blood present. Consulted with an excellent urologist who performed a cystoscopy. Seconds after looking inside my bladder, she diagnosed the problem. Some - including specialists - think that interstitial cystitis (IC) and trigonitis are basically the same things. Unfortunately, there is no cure for either condition. I manage it by paying attention to my diet (no acidic foods plus a whole bunch of other no-no foods/drinks) and taking anti-inflammatories such as quercetin with bromelain, Prelief, marshmallow root capsules, corn silk tea, and the likes.
Do you have any pelvic discomfort? Waking up at night to go to the bathroom? Strong urge to urinate? Though these symptoms may be caused by a UTI, they are almost always present when you have IC/trigonitis. Keep us posted!
Hi, yes I'm female and have had bladder issues since symptoms began a few years ago. I would need to pee REALLY frequently as i didn't seem to be able to empty fully. I've never had what i percieve to be kidney pain until recently and have no history of uti's. I also leak from time to time but its not stress incontinence and its been put down as being to do with having had three children. Inability to void fully - i was told nothing can be done. I always have to pee twice before i can go to sleep and often wake through the night too. I will look up trigonitis. Do the symptoms come and go? Xx
The condition stays with you. You may go through periods of flares, when symptoms get worse, just like it happens to those who suffer from IC. So although symptoms are always there, when they are light we may not even notice (or remember!) that we have a bladder condition. And so we think the symptoms come and go. Some, as many ICers have stated, will end up with a flare but have no idea why - they stuck to the diet, but the flare happens nevertheless.
There are many types of IC. For example, some have perfectly looking bladders yet the symptoms and pain are awful. Others have ulcers inside the bladder. Microscopic blood is present in the urine of a large percentage of ICers/trigonitis sufferers. If the flare is pretty bad (or when the moon is full, lol) you may actually see the blood.
Research into these conditions is sorely lacking, but some have suggested a link between hormonal levels and IC/trigonitis.
Here is a partial list of all the foods and drinks I should not have: carbonated beverages, including naturally carbonated water, alcoholic drinks, coffee, wine, tea (including decaffeinated), dairy products, tomatoes, spicy foods, most fruit, vitamin B, vitamin C.
Not much left to enjoy, right? You may want to take a look at the IC Diet. There is also an excellent forum about the condition (IC) and related issues; I suggest you take a look.
I too have problems with incontinence, and was referred to physical therapy for pelvic floor rehab. When I had the urodynamics testing, following the cystoscopy, the urologist determined I have pelvic floor dysfunction, that's why she advised physiotherapy.
The squamous cells are normally found in urine, but if in excessive number, they may point to UTI or inflammation (and a UTI would cause inflammation, but so would IC and trigonitis as both are inflammatory conditions). Squamous epithelial cells may also mean that the specimen was contaminated.
Hope this will help some
thank you for all the info, i really appreciate it. Could the inflammation be caused by lupus too? Xx
I imagine that it could be caused by lupus. Are they planning a cystoscopy? That would be my next step, take a good look inside the bladder. I realize it is easier said than done, but try to not worry too much!
I'm not sure if they plan to do anything. Maybe it depends on the results of the one i provided this week. I've got an abdo scan in august for something different so maybe they'll wait to see if anything shows on that, who knows! Lol xx
Hi there. I’ve just had to do same with a sample re suspect UTI. The lab report said “Mixed Growth” eg WBCs and RBCs. I read up and this is classed as “contaminated”. In my case I have found it hard to collect a sample that hasn’t touched any other part of my pelvic anatomy first - and these bacteria naturally live in our skin, hair follicles etc.
So rather than explaining how not to contaminate a urine sample (quite hard for many women) they just keep asking patients to repeat them. I read that the way you need to get a clean sample is wash with water only first from front down. And then in order to avoid your pee flowing over vagina and rectum during collection they advise on collecting mid flow only.
The uncontaminated sample showing infection usually shows one thing or other ie blood or leukocytes, squamous or other - not both (mixed growth). It is possible to have both without contamination but apparently very unlikely. So all samples containing both are classed as contaminated.
Hope this helps.