I have SLE and was diagnosed in 2001 although I had been experiencing symptoms since 1991.
My Aunty had rheumatoid arthritis and my father had raynauds syndrome.
My daughter has IBS and I have suspected, Lupus for a while due to some mild symptoms. She had an ANA Test done which was negative and a blood test which looked at her immune system which showed that her immune system was very low/compromised. I don’t know what this test was called.
Anyway, on Friday morning she woke up with her eyelids swollen. Later that day I came back from work and she then complained that her knees hurt and felt hot and swollen. Advised by NHS helpline to go to A&E as Dr surgery closed. Advised to see GP when open and take pain killers.
As soon as we arrived home, her eyelids swelled again and her lips also. She then started to develop a hive nettle rash all over her arms face and upper body. At this point I gave her some anti allergy meds. Put her to bed as she had been complaining of feeling poorly and very tired and checked every so often to make sure there her young ue throat wasn’t swelling.
She woke the next morning saying that her wrists were painful. After phoning the NHS helpline again we were advised to go back to the hospital for an appointment. This was yesterday - Saturday. They were concerned due to the family history and symptoms that she presented with that this was a systemic response but were unable to do any bloods as they couldn’t access her medical records. Advice was to see GP urgently when next open to get bloods done and an urgent referral to rheumatologist.
She has woken up this morning with more strange rashes on her face and limbs and also now saying that her feet and hands are also really painful and are visibly swollen!
She is in a gap year after completing her Alevels last July where she got A*, A and a B. She has worked through this year and re doing her B grade as not happy with it!
She is stressed to the max and each day over this weekend, I have watched her deteriorate.
Other background info is that her sister has hypothyroidism, her brother is diabetic and her father, my husband passed three years ago from cancer.
I am really worried about her. Anyone have advice on someone her age developing these symptoms so quickly??
Thank you!