My daughter is 12.She has a long history of joint pain and swelling.We have never had much joy from the hospital.She has had so many lots of blood taken that she now has a severe needle phobia.She has learnt to live with pain in her hips and back.
Recently,she has had really bad problems with her left foot and right hand.Her foot is swollen, mainly on her toes and they are sometimes black, red or blue. They are very painful. Sometimes the pain spreads to her ankle.
Her fingers are swollen on the joints.
I took her to our gp, who immediatly sent us to a and e. This is where the problems started.She refused to have bloods taken and was very upset. She is a very shy girl and hates to draw attention to herself. Seeing her cry made me realise how hard things were for her.
She was referred to paediatrics. On the day of the appointment, she refused to go. I tried everything, but she wouldnt go. She was so frightened.
Today, I had a call from the hospital saying they were concerned that she hadnt attended and that a different doctor had looked at her xray that was done in a and e. They expressed concern, stating that " lines on the bone were a concern". She is now completely beside herself because she has to go to the hospital tomorrow [ Saturday].She is refusing to go. I dont know what to do.I cant force her to go, but I know that she has to.
She also has had a rash on her face recently and is off school every term with overwhelming fatigue and flu like symptoms.
I have Lupus and her brother has R.A.
Has anyone got any ideas?
Thankyou for reading this xxx