Hello everyone,
I hope you are all as well as can be. I apologise in advance for the similar topic post to one I made two months ago, however after a delay in getting started (thanks to some confusion on my GP's part) on Azathioprine, I finally started taking it on Sunday night (I take it with my nightly meds).
I saw my Rhuematologist yesterday who advised that due to this delay in getting started, he planned to titrate me up quickly and he also gave me a Kenalog steroid injection (80mg) to tide me over until I'm dosed up sufficiently. However, my problem is that despite feeling very tired this morning, I now feel truly dreadful this evening. I felt crappy last night with my joints but I expect that after a steroid injection until it settles in so to speak, however tonight, it's more a case of feeling utterly weak and flu like. I would assume it was a flare up if I hadn't just started this drug. To make matters a bit more muddy, I had to have two anaesthetic injections at the dentist this morning, which I think upset my stomach temporarily.
I apologise for having to ask but what concerns me is that the last time I felt this weak in my legs was fairly recently when I was put on amoxicillin 500mg and I got continually weaker as the week wore on until I finally stopped taking them. I have had previous issues with doxycycline too, so I think I react to antibiotics and other drugs (which I have had issues with previously) and I would be grateful if anyone could advise if feeling weak is fairly standard whilst commencing this drug? Or if steroids can impact on the drug interaction?
Thank you very much for your contributions, they are gratefully appreciated.
Jen π