Hi everyone,
I’m not sure if I’m posting in the right place but I googled and lupus came up.
I’ve had various symptoms for a long time mainly feeling exhausted/tired that has got worse, I feel so body tired that just holding my arms up to do something is hard. Digestive symptoms, weak feeling in arms, mouth sores, some joint pain and I basically feel like I’m coming down with something all the time but nothing materialises.
I do have endometriosis but don’t believe all these symptoms are down to that. I finally plucked up the courage to speak to my gp and she ordered blood tests, full blood count, ANA, Rhf and Ds dna. The ANA has come back as weak positive homogenous? All these bloods were sent at the same time but I haven’t had the RHf or ds dna yet, does anyone know why there’s a delay or how long it will take?
I need to speak to my gp but I don’t know what I’m dealing with here, is it nothing or something that I need to push for more tests etc?
sorry for all the questions, I’m just so sick of feeling like this and kind of feel that any answer to my issues would be better than being told I’m imagining it or it’s anxiety or something x