Hello everyone just wondered if it’s possible to have lupus without testing positive for J01 antibodies.tested positive ANA hep 2 cytoplasmic cells and got all the symptoms bar the rash??going to see rheumatologist 29th next Monday so maybe I’ll find some answers then??
Jo1 antibodies and ANA: Hello everyone just... - LUPUS UK
Jo1 antibodies and ANA

As far as I’m aware JO1 is not a lupus antibody.
Have you tested positive for any other antibodies other than Ana?
Only 50 % of people with lupus get the malar rash and not all rashes in the face are lupus related.
It’s best to say your concerns to your docs and see what they say.
Good luck
JO1 Antibodies refers to Myositis rather than Lupus. All my ENA panel is negative but my ANA is positive and I have antibody negative Sjögren’s rather than Lupus. Best of luck for rheum appointment.

What do you mean antibody negative sjogrens??is negative sjogrens different to sjogrens on its own??i have positive ANA hep2 cytoplasmic cells and negative ena panel!
Well all these connective tissue diseases can be negative for blood antibodies but still have the disease.
For Lupus it’s rare (5-10% i believe) but for RA and Sjögren’s it’s quite common - something like 30-40% of sufferers are ENA negative.
So my Sjögren’s was diagnosed by lip biopsy just as some with Lupus are diagnosed by skin or kidney biopsy and some with RA are diagnosed by synovial fluid or ultrasound showing synovial inflammation. It is thought to be my main rheumatic disease and the negative antibodies mean that I have different symptoms and risks to those who have RO antibodies - but positive lip biopsy is the definitive diagnosis.
Basically it’s often incredibly complicated but symptoms also form a large part of the diagnosis. The specific Lupus antibodies are anti dsDNA. Hope this helps.

Oh wow ok that’s interesting !i also have a ultra sound next week too so the will be able to see inflammation will they??is looking at my organs in stomachs as get a lot of pain up by kidney and tested weaknpositive for anti smooth muscle tissue antibodies !
Should be able to see inflammation I think. Although I actually meant that with RA ultrasound is used to look for synovial inflammation in the joints and sometimes the lungs.

Hi Domi1041,
There are specific tests and criteria that need to be met in order to make a diagnosis of lupus.
An ANA test gives an indication on whether a person may or may not have an autoimmune condition. It does not provide sufficient evidence to confirm a diagnosis of lupus. dsDNA antibodies are very specific for lupus (as they are not typically seen in any other condition or in healthy population). For more information on how a diagnosis of lupus is made, please click here: lupusuk.org.uk/getting-diag...
We are not medically trained here therefore it is important that you discuss your results with your consultant at your upcoming appointment.
It is important to bear in mind that lupus presents differently in everybody - it is rare that two people will share the exact same experience.