Hi all. I've had symptoms for 18 months on & off. GP very dismissive but now had a positive ANA. Waiting on ENA results following ANA. Anyone have any advice or helpful thoughts please? 😊
Positive ANA: Hi all. I've had symptoms for 1... - LUPUS UK
Positive ANA

Nothing brilliant, I'm afraid. I imagine you've seen the leaflet on symptoms and diagnosis on the Home page here? I have found it a useful prompt to help organise my thoughts prior to consultations. x
Look up Lupus UK website and download any leaflets which will help you make more sense of it all. Also have your inflammatory markers been checked?

Hi Cm24 ,
Have you had a referral to a rheumatologist yet? If not, I think that would be a good place to start. We have a blog article with information and advice for getting a diagnosis of lupus which you may find helpful - lupusuk.org.uk/getting-diag...
Thanks Paul. I've to wait on the ENA results & see my GP next Tuesday. I'm assuming the ENA gives a breakdown as to what type of AIDisease u have? It be a referral after that. Up to 9 months wait to see one of the NHS tho in Scotland at the moment. Considering private even tho I work as a nurse for NHS.
Hi Cm24 ,
That's right, the ENA is a battery of antibodies generally found in lupus variants such as 'Sjogren's syndrome' and 'mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)'. Did you have any other blood tests such as an anti-dsDNA antibody test which is highly specific to lupus?
I'm sorry to hear that you may be facing waiting time likes that. Whereabouts in Scotland are you based?
No just had FBC, U & E'd, vitamin D, ESR, CPR & ANA. I'm in Falkirk. Will the ENA results give me a diagnosis?
I'm afraid I couldn't say whether your doctor will be able to confirm a diagnosis based on the results of this test. Diagnosing these connective tissue diseases is often very difficult because they present differently in everyone, can have similar symptoms and sometimes overlap. If lupus is suspected then I would generally expect anti-dsDNA to be tested as well. Generally you would need to see a rheumatologist to get a confirmed diagnosis because they have much more experience and expertise in these conditions.
Regarding getting a referral, it may be worth contacting the Regional Coordinator of our South & East Scotland Lupus Group to see if she has any idea (or has heard from other patients) about where may have shorter waiting times? Her name is Elaine Stewart and you can email her at elaine_stewar77@hotmail.com
Thanks I'll see what next week at the GP. Much appreciated.