What was your ANA number when you tested positive for lupus??
ANA number: What was your ANA number when you... - LUPUS UK
ANA number
mine was 1280
Hi 4373
Mine was the same. 1:80. I did not understand though what it means and how bad is this reading. Did your doctor explain to you what this result means?
She was not concerned; however, this is after she was concerned and sent me to a rheum. He dismissed me and said what ever it was not systemic. I've had muscle weakness in one leg, severe insomnia, foggy brain, bone pain and unusual bruise like discolorations on my legs and arms, but never more than one at a time. Got rid of them by not eating peanuts. Aches and weak muscles seem to be cured by diet. Rheumatologist wanted to do MRI and chest X-ray which I declined as I didn't want to get on a medical freight train as I read about here. Basically I am in super shape through diet, simple living and trying meditation. I don't know what to s going on and since there is no cure, I forging ahead on my own and feel fantastic -just hope I'm not being stupid.
4347 and Alka74...Did your doc ever say that was too low to get checked?? Did you have symptoms too?? And what other tests were done to confirm that you have it?
I have 1:40. My doc was not concerned at all. I'm reaally nervous.

Hi Lfilim,
My GP did not say whether it was low or High. He has refereed me to a rheumy saying it is as an incidental finding of ANA and I am being referred to rheumy as I have other symptoms like joint pains body aches brain fog depression anxiety etc for more than 8 months now. I was asked to do an anti DNA and an ENA recently but they both have come out as negative, so I am back to square one. It's frustrating to not have any conclusive answers and my rheumy appointment is about 5 weeks awAy😥. I can completely understand your nervousness as the doctors say that it's nothing to worry but then at the same time are concerned that ANA was high. I would say for your peace of mind get the other test done. There is nothing to loose and am not saying a negative result will give you peace of mind but atleast some possibilities are ruled out.
Hang in there and talk it out here. It helps to be among people who are experiencing similiar symptoms.
Lastly what are your symptoms... share it here if you are ok to do so.
I started losing my hair in July of 2015 and still am till this day...in June of 2016 I got pregnant with my second child and miscarried at 14 weeks... at this point I didn't even know what lupus was I just thought we sparatically misscarried...after I got the high ANA I realized it could be from possible lupus but not sure. and recently I have noticed some fatigue. Just kinda hits out of no where... after I found out I had an ANA of 1:40 which was about a week ago I started experiencing slight joint pain... not bad but slight. Mostly in my left hand. I don't know if the pain is cuz I'm thinking so much about it or if it's real... that's it...
1:320 (probably not for Lupus but for Sjögren's and possible Scleroderma).
I believe mine was 1:320, all I remember is being told it was positive.
mine was 1280...but it's not the ANA that's conclusive as I understand it...??
As far as I understand it a person is unlikely to have Lupus without a positive ANA....but a positive ANA is not conclusive for Lupus. There are other tests that are..a DNA test?? I think positive anti S or Ro antibodies are relevant too. I don't have time to look it up properly just now, but if you go into an SLE website and look up diagnosis and blood tests it will explain more there.
My understanding of the test is that your blood sample is diluted by 40 and they check for ANA to be present then it's diluted by 80 looked at again for ANA then by 160 etc..... My rheumatologist said that 1/80 was not positive enough !!!! (Lfilim .... Yours is the lowest it could be). x
What were your symptoms and how long have you had it for??

I was diagnosed in August 2016 - not sure how long entirely (years probably) but my main symptoms from February on wards was 'flu-like' aching body, just felt unwell, migrating (moving) joint pain - mainly in hands, arms, feet. Tiredness and just weakness....worsening. I thought it was just stress of starting a new job but things got worse.
Hope you get sorted out soon
Also had a postitive dsDNA result at the same time
I had an ANA of 1:40... just boarder line... I now am awaiting results for dsDNA... I'm really nervous