this rash has just appeared tonight and wondered if it looks like a typical lupus rash? doesn't feel sore but is hot to touch
does this look like a lupus rash?: this rash has... - LUPUS UK
does this look like a lupus rash?

To me it does, I have a similar rash just on the 1 cheek, unfortunately I've had mine for the past 4 months. Hopefully yours will settle and go.
All the best.
I think it does, mine would look like this and continue down my neck and chest area. Sunlight, stress or overdoing things can bring it on. It burns and I'd feel miserable in myself.
Hello stephaniejpm
It's hard to say for sure, as none of us are medically trained etc and can only speak from our own experiences.
Do you have a Lupus or discoid lupus diagnosis? Are you on any meds? Do you see a Dermatologist? A little more info would help.
But I have had the malar rash on and off with my lupus. When I am flaring it can come up and sometimes just flashes up for an hour or two for no particular reason. It's such a weird and unpredictable disease.
When first diagnosed a Dermatologist told me that it had scared slightly and so wouldn't completely disppear.
Anyway, if you need any more help, please ask. But if you haven't sought medical advice at this point and you think you might have a form of lupus, go to your GP. Oh and keep photos of phyical symptoms like this, as sod's law, when you get to see a GP or Consultant these things can go away again. But no one can argue with photographic evidence.
Best wishes
I have been to the doctors and had a full blood count which didn’t show anything but the gp seems to think it’s lupus I have as I have other symptoms like headaches, chest pains swollen feet and ankles along with a number of other symptoms. He has set an an appointment for me to go to a rheumatologist so will show them this picture and see what they think. It’s just interesting to see if anyone else’s looks like this. It’s just weird as I don’t think I’m under any stress at the moment and I haven’t been in the sun
That's the way it goes unfortunately, no rhyme or reason to it.
I'm glad you a have a supportive GP, that's great.
Keep a daily diary now and photos of skin issues etc, to take to your first appointment.
There is help on the Lupus UK website for preparing for first appts. They can seem to be over in a flash and with our brain fog, it is easy to be ushered out of the door without asking all we wanted to.
One tip is to take an A4 sheet of bullet points, symptoms and questions. Take 2 copies. One for the doc and one for you. Use it to jog your memory and stay on track. Plus they have a copy for their own records and can't later say that you didn't mention all your symptoms etc.
This site also has a search facility. You can type phrases, symptoms, drugs etc in and all related posts will pop up. Quite helpful when checking lupus out in the early days. Plus Lupus UK have great books for sale on their website shop.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Wendy x
It does to me. Sorry for you. Hope you deal with this. Best wishes.

Hi Stephaniejpm,
Have you spoke to your GP or rheumatologist about this?
According to The Lupus Encyclopedia, a malar (butterfly) rash is a red rash that occurs on the cheeks and the nose - which is a common symptom of lupus. To find out how rashes can be treated, you can read our booklet on ‘Lupus and the Skin’ here;
Many people with lupus experience a flare of their symptoms when exposed to sunlight. The most common symptom is for rashes to appear on the skin, affecting areas that are frequently exposed such as the face, neck, hands and feet. We published an article on our blog about coping with light sensitivity which you may like to read here:
Please keep us updated, wishing you all the best.
This is exactly what I get too. But all my bloods have been negative for years.
I can wake up with this bright red rash and it has had nothing to do with sunlight at all. Usually one cheek is worse than the other and I can have strange weals as if someone has taken finger nails down my face. This eventually fades.
With me it often means I will be in for a spell of a flare of all my other symproms, such as joint pain, dire fatigue, headaches, tinnitus and muscle weakness as well.
Despite my negative bloods I have been treated with steroids for five years now as it also affects my kidneys , pancreas and biliary system and heart.
I am seeing a new Rheumatologist next week as old one now retired so they will be taking a fresh look at it.
Take photos everytime you see this. I have never had the rash when I went to see them as so many here have said!
Good luck with getting it sorted out .xx