This is our visiting hedgehog. Comes every night for food and entertains us by climbing in the bowl and leaving a bit of peanut on the end of his nose. Great therapy for bedtime.
Hope your all as well as possible and enjoying wildlife too. X
This is our visiting hedgehog. Comes every night for food and entertains us by climbing in the bowl and leaving a bit of peanut on the end of his nose. Great therapy for bedtime.
Hope your all as well as possible and enjoying wildlife too. X
Hes quite a big fellow ! He must put a smile on you face!! 😀😀
I'm jealous! We're finding it so hard to spot them now. Twenty years ago there were plenty. Have fun with Harry
Aww, how cute!
Thanks Purpletop he is and brought a friend last night!. He's keeping me up as I go to bed later now!. Ha.!. How are you?. X
You are such a sweetheart to ask about me. I'm probably in a flare right now - joints are killing me, hair falling in handfulls, eyes dry, mouth dry, skin dry, pain and more pain. I'm avoiding the issue but I know I need to get on steroids soon - bummer.
I hope you're coping with this heat xx
Sorry Purpletop your flaring. It's so disheartening specially as you'd come off steroids which is no mean feat!. I'm in similar state just reduced by 0.5 mg to 7.5mg and paying for it via my joints!. Luckily the heat has cooled now as I'm in the west. Hope it's cooler for you and steroids work their magic. X
😍 HELLO HARRY 👋👋👋👋👋👋
Are you practicing for Red Nose Day? 😆
GRRRRREAT post misty, THANKS 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
🍀😘🍀😘🍀😘 coco
Hi Barnclown
We're so excited as we had when Harry met Sally again or I should say Hetty last night!.
I think you'd agree that watching wildlife like you and I are is such a lovely antidote to all the horror happening !. Look forward to seeing more of your lovely deer photos. Hope your as well as possible. X
I love hedgehogs! Sadly I haven't seen one alive for many many years 😪.
Lucky you, I hope he stays safe. Xx
Hi Clare
We had when Harry met Sally last night so we're very excited as there numbers have dwindled !. It's a wonderful privelege to be so close to any wildlife isn't it and it feels good we're helping their survival!.
Have you got a wild area in your garden and a little hole in the fence?. They love protection so you just never know!. One might appear like he did to us.
Hope you got your treatment sorted out for your holiday coming up?. X
We have an acre or so of untouched woodland and lots of deep borders so it would be nice to think that we have our own hedgehogs in there somewhere.
We've been in Punta Cana since Tuesday. Nobody came back to me about anti-malarials & jabs - not the hospital, Rheumy nurse (unusual for her but I think she had been away) nor Boots head pharmacist - despite the promises. I've had to make all the decisions myself and it's been quite stressful - especially as I was feeling unwell before we left.
Anyway, so far so good. It's very beautiful here, about 30 degrees but there is a strong sea breeze so it's very tolerable and the insects are few. I've booked my blood test for directly we return. Thanks so much for asking.
Take care xxx
Hi Clareb
Your garden sounds perfect for hedgehogs so who knows. You could just put a bowl of cat or dog food down and some water and see whether anyone eats it!. Harry comes regularly for his between 9pm and 10 pm so you could see. Would be wonderful.
Glad your holiday is going well. That was bad of all the medics not to help you beforehand about jabs. Good thinking to have bloods on your return. Good luck with those and the heat. X
Yay! Hedgehog Healing Power! Hedgewig sends his love! xxx
Awww he's so cute, I haven't seen a hedgehog in my neck of the woods for a few years, lovely to see they're still out there 😘 🌺Xxx
Hi Diane
Harry brought hetty with him last night!. It's just lovely to watch them before bed!. Perfect end to the day!. Shame you haven't seen one for so long!. I hadn't realised how endangered they are. Have you got a wild area of garden and a hole in your fence?. They could just appear like he did for us!. Hope your doing as well as possible. X
I love sweet little Harry!
What a treat to see him every night. We used to have them but our present young collie is fascinated by them and used to stalk the one who lived under the woodpile at the foot of the garden.
Sadly I think he has shifted homes now!
They are such lovely creatures.xx
Hello Cutty
Lovely seeing you back on forum. It's a shame your missing a hedgie in your garden . I've been staggered at how endangered hedgehogs are now so feel pleased we're helping them and gaining pleasure at the same time!.
Harry brought Hetty with him last night which was lovely!. He's keeping me up as used to go to bed early!. Ha !. Hope your as well as possible. X
Hi misty14
We have one most nites- what a little love.
We feed ours with so me cat food and a few dog biscuits, altho the cat food has been attracting slugs lately so may stop those.Ours is a noisy little so and so and we can hear him snuffling about under the shrubs.
Wouldn't swap for anything bless him.
Hi crusee
Lovely to read you have one too. They are enchanting to watch, partly because there eyesight is poor. We love hearing Harry's snuffling and cracking his biscuits!. Did you realise they can cover 1-2, km a night!. There so plucky!. We wouldn't swap either now.
Happy hedgehogging and good luck for your wedding soon. X