This wk I was seen at the breast clinic for a lump in my left breast. It turned out to be a swollen lymph node. In fact all my lymph nodes in that area were swollen. I was so relieved that it wasn't cancer having had mastectomy on my right breast I didn't question why the lymph nodes are swollen. I have sle, sjogrens, raynards & few other conditions. I'm award I'm at risk of lymphoma & it's playing on my mind now. I see my rhum in 2wks & I'm asking for advice from you guys at how concerned he should be & should I be asking for further investigations?
To worry or not?: This wk I was seen at the breast... - LUPUS UK
To worry or not?

Good question smudge 👍👍👍👍
We're approx the same age...and I'm in a somewhat similar situation with a similar diagnostic mix...for months now my lymph glands everywhere have persistently been noticeably more swollen (my gp & dentist have remarked in this) and those under my arms are tending to soreness. None of the swelling seems significant enough/painful enough to get upped higher in my list of priorities for attention...but what to I really know on this subject? When I saw my lupus clinic chief recently, we didn't actually get to this subject....I see her again in august
Am looking forward to following your discussion...and to learning what your rheumatologist says!
🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco
Hi Barnclown, thanx for your concern. Yes we are similar age, I'm 63 next weds 😱 Were do the years go?
I'm definitely going to push for answers when I'm next in clinic in 2wks. Really trying to resist googling at the mo, but I'll eventually give in lol.
It was the lymph nodes itching that 1st made me aware there was a swelling. And the ultra scan showed all nodes in that side are swollen. Hey ho, what fun we lupies have 😉
Hello. Sorry to read of the worrying time you've had recently. I cannot really offer any real advice as I have never been in that situation but if I had already had breast cancer and a mastectomy I think I would push for thorough investigation as I too would be anxious. I think that's a perfectly reasonable response. Before I was diagnosed with SCLE in 2013 I had swollen glands under my left arm that were very painful - pains going down my arm and tenderness too - and I also had them at the back of my neck - close to the lupus rash I have at the nape of my neck. I always listed them in my symptoms and for me they were a part of the big lupus flare I had right through 2013 and into 2014 before the hydroxy took full effect. No doctor has ever discussed it with me in any detail though. Can I ask if swollen glands have been a symptom for you in the past, or is this new for you? Are you flaring now? Best wishes, Wendy.
Hi Wendy, I do think I'm in a small flare that I can't seem to shake of. My glands in my throat are more or less always up & ive started to have pain in the bk of my head just bit further bk from my ears. Think I've got a lot of questions for my rheumatologist when I see him in a few wks. Just hope I won't be banging my head against a brick wall as I feel he doesn't know what do with me sometimes. I will keep you all informed