Hello again lovely people,
Overnight I had a brilliant thought (modesty hem hem).
It struck me as suddenly completely obvious that the fleeting "pinching" pain I have been experiencing in my heart is actually pericarditis. It might also account for my persistent tachycardia and sensation of a "thumping" heartbeat.
My initial presentation a year ago had been shortness of breath, and I had heart and lung symptoms that led to an initial diagnosis of heart failure. Subsequently, lung inflammation was seen as my priority problem and overlap syndrome became the diagnosis of choice.
At my review meeting with my rheumy seven weeks ago, I brought up the chest pains (they are distinctly localised to my heart) and persistent tachycardia. He dismissed any suggestion that they had to do with auto-immunity, and said I should go to A&E next time they were bad. I did this, and was discharged, after having been assured that there were no signs of a heart attack, although an echocardiogram showed some issues with my ventricular function.
My GP has prescribed B blocker in view of the cardio issues, and requested an assessment for POTS. The cardiologist replied to say he doesn't think I have POTS, but he will consider seeing me in due course - perhaps several months from now.
I'm on 6mg prednisolone plus hydroxy anyway. However, no-one (including me) has yet suggested pericarditis/serositis.
I do not have any date for a further rheumy review, and they are booking into March at present.
So here are my questions:
1. What do you reckon to my self diagnosis?
2. How do I proceed from here? GP (yet again)? Ring Cardiology? Rheumy nurse? Or just wait?
Thanks for any thoughts x