So on thursday just gone, I had a review appoint with the head rheumatologist at my local hospital. The rheumatologist talked to me about how he wanted to diagnose me with lupus as I have symptoms but couldn't do so as all bar one blood test came back as negative. The only abnormal thing they found was that I have a slightly low white blood count. However the one day I had the test done happened to be the one day I felt pretty healthy for like the first time in weeks. The rheumatologist said that he would see me again in six months but if I had any flare ups I could go back sooner.
Then yesterday I woke up with a headache and fatigue/joint pain all over. I also then developed an itchy nose/ cheeks. I took a naproxen (500 mg) yesterday which seems to have cured my headache/ the joint pain I had in my arms but did nothing for the rest of my body. I hopped by having a nice long sleep that night, I would wake up feeling better. Instead I woke up with a sore throat, a painful cough, a blocked nose and feeling nausea. Then the symptoms I went to bed with have not gotten any better but they haven't gotten any worse ether. I am also currently being treated for a vitamin d deficiency, hypothyroidism and anaemia.
Now I'm not sure what to do as I don't know wether or not I should go back to rheumatologist or see a gp instead. The thing is I don't know if the symptoms I have would be counted as a flare up because when I ever I have had it in the past, I have always been told you probably just caught a virus, they're going round. So I just really unsure what to do and would like some advice.