I have really bad chest pain, well breathing pain, this is the forth day of it but its getting worse.
I have started to reduce my steroids just over a week ago, only on alternate days, I was so happy to be told I could reduce them and eventually come off them, now this!
I rang my rheumatologist yesterday and he said to increase the steroids again slightly, which I have done this morning.
However, the pain has got worse again since yesterday and its getting really uncomfortable, I didn't sleep very well lastnight, I certainly wouldn't be able to walk around or anything!
The thing is when I was first admitted to hospital last year I had a lot of fluid on my lung and round my heart. The fluid around my heart has taken longer to resolve and the fluid on my lung not as long. But I am worried now that I have fluid on my lung again.
I don't know what I am supposed to do. Do you just sit and wait for the steroids to sort you out, or should I go to hospital? I am still new to all this, I was diagnosed about march/april time so I'm not sure if you are supposed to get help for things like this or if its a case of well you know what it is so just sit it out until meds kick in.