Hi all, I've posted previously regarding my two positive DsDNA tests, but with negative ANA tests. I was informed by the nurse at Guys that the bloods are likely a bit of a fluke or an issue with the lab, because typically they would see a positive ANA with Lupus not just DsDNA and I'd probably be referred back to my GP.
I had more bloods taken by my nephroligist recently and incidentally they have also shown mild positive DsDNA, negative ANA and a slightly low C4. So it's not the lab...it's got to be a true result...but of what?! Have I got lupus?!...
I've noticed my hair is becoming patchy where I have the scaly scalp and I got upset over this yesterday...along with other issues these things are becoming really stressful for me and it's getting me down.
I see Dr Sangle in replacement of prof Khamashta next week, I've emailed the nurse my previous history and recent letter about my bloods from nephrology and am awaiting a reply, I hope she can relay this to the Dr and that he doesnt refer me back to my GP...
Does anyone else think this is suggestive of lupus?!.... Im so sick of all this lack of clarity on blood tests....it's very hard to get a diagnosis.
Does anyone have any input on this?