Just great, got a mouthful of these babies, any tips on how to help make them go quicker?
Mouth ulcers: Just great, got a mouthful of these... - LUPUS UK
Mouth ulcers

Hi Rach5,
Corsodyl gel - my dentist recommended it. Tastes horrible but works. You can buy it from a Pharmacy.
Can be an issue if they are right at the back of the mouth/throat as difficult to reach. I also have a Benzydamine mouth wash Dr prescribed for such occasions.
Thanks sarahsch , I'm getting ready and heading to chemist now xx
Hi Rach
I found a little tube called iglu worked. Its a little like wall paper paste, thick. Covers ulcer instant end of pain. Takes ages to " wash away". Persistent nasty ones my GP prescribes a tub of tiny tablets of hydrocortisone. I place one in the crater as I go to sleep, mostly healed by next day, use iglu until it goes. They are steroids. My best remedy.
I use corsodyl mouth wash, I hate it, but it helps
I haven't yet been diagnosed. I'm really suffering with mouth ulcers and blisters.my doctor prescribed nystan but doesn't seem to be working. Now got sores in corner of lips . I'm definitely going to try your hints. So painful. Thanks.
The only stuff that helps me (I'm 62 & have been trying everything under the sun all my life: OTC, home remedies, prescrition stuff etc etc) is:
-gengigel products (mouth was & gel...available OTC)
- the topical oral steroid triamcinolonesvor kenalog in orabase on prescription...these are no longer available in the uk, so I take a GP prescription when I go abroad to get these 😉
How to manage mouth ulcers was one of lupus UK's topics of the month a while ago...I'll see if I can add a link....💃💃💃💃...here's the link:
We're all different: what helps 1 may not help another 😉
🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco
An odd "cure" which I find works is salt & vinegar crisps. Hurts but worth it!!!
Just saw this post now so sorry for late reply. When this happens again, suggest Vitamin B supplement in addition to the topical remedies. I've found it will definitely reduce the time. These are awful - totally empathize!
I've been able to use L-Lysine (an amino acid) in pill form when I have flare-ups of ulcers both north and south, and it completely cures them in both places within 2-3 days. In the intervening time though, I love Colgate's Orabase. It coats them well and numbs them too. I have been able to use L-Lysine as a preventative since finding out it worked for my ulcers too. Just 1 pill a day keeps me ulcer-free.