I keep getting the worse mouth ulcers everrrrr my lupus consultants have tried everything they can't grasp why.. even antibiotics, oral gel for the dry mouth nope not workinf. Even coconut oil pulling is kot working. Combined with painful teeth i am at wits end grrrrre
Repeat mouth ulcers: I keep getting the worse mouth... - LUPUS UK
Repeat mouth ulcers

Have you tried a hydrocortisone and lidocaine mouthwash? It has to be prescribed by a doctor and made up in the pharmacy. It works wonders for me. Message me if you need further details.
Yes dear i have
Maybe can you give us a list of everything that you've tried then people can offer a new solution if there is something that they think of? Mouth ulcers are totally miserable. I had the top of my tongue come off once for 3 weeks. I was so lucky that once I started hydroxy and the mouthwash they cleared up and stayed away. Prior to that I used to get about 7-10 a week.
This might sound a bit weird but I used to work night shifts and always got more mouth ulcers when I worked nights. This was before I was diagnosed with Lupus and looking back Lupus was beginning to show its ugly head. Anyway, a Maxiofacial Surgeon friend of mine told me to eat a teaspoon of marmite a day whilst I was having a flare of ulcers. Apparently it has something to do with the B vitamins. I gave it a go and it did work for years. It might not work for anyone else but every set of nights I had marmite and it kept the ulcers manageable. Of course my disease has now been diagnosed and progressed and I'm on meds....but at the time it really helped. Good luck to you.
Have you looked at the April Topic of the month discussion on coping with mouth ulcers here? This link takes you to it:
🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco
Hydrocortisone buccal tablets. Slowly dissolve in mouth. Placed on ulcer -ouch! Painful but did it for me...Four times per day over 5 days. Dr prescription needed!
Good luck!
I used betamethasone dissolvable tablets as a mouth rinse. Took the sting out and healed them quicker. Thalidomide had been mentioned by my consultant which some people have success with but not sure if that is a commonly used treatment
I agree with Minnskimoo, Hydrocortisone Muco-adhesive buccal tablets sugar free 2.5 mg. Good luck.
Try going on the website mouthulcershop - their products work
XYLIMELTS for dry mouth at night got me a good sleep -
Colgate Duraphat 5000 was prescribed by my dentist - if you clean your teeth but don't rinse your mouth it really helps the pain - use as often as you like. I keep it in the car also ! Full of fluoride which we need - good luck
I have got the duraphat on prescription... wait did i read right?don't rinse???
I was very lucky in that my dentist knew about Sjogren's and Lupus and she gave me a fact sheet immediately, and prescribed Duraphat. In fact she knew more than a lot of Doctors who came along later! We need saliva to stop the build up of plaque which causes tooth decay. Her advice to me was to clean my teeth, spit excess and debris and leave Duraphat residue. I also use interdental little brushes to clean between teeth. Or rinse and then apply another amount of Duraphat. Colgate do a fluoride mouthwash too you have to ask at the chemists for it. Good luck
Have you tried colchicine, it's great for mouth ulcers.

Hi avionne ,
We have no published our blog article about coping with oral and nasal ulcers. You may find it helpful; lupusuk.org.uk/coping-with-...