does anyone know much about Ana blood test?
just asking because since 2005 i have been going to the doctors with a list of symptoms. all of which have been dismissed as just anxiety after blood test came back OK
prolactin elevated on a few test. told that's nothing
never had Ana or full blood count blood test
but i have always felt there more to it than that
i am 30yrs old with no children. never had any health problems
i am not on any medication
just come across lupus on the Internet. and think this may explain things
but wondering if your best waiting until your having what you think is a lupus flare before going to the doctor and asking for a Ana blood test?
would you only get a positive result if your having a flare when blood test is taken ?.or does it not matter?
my symptoms are
feeling tired
hip pain that travels around to lower back
rash on face ,arms and legs when in contact with the sun. even after a shower/bath
change in bowl habits go between constipation or loose stools
external piles
heart palpitations
irregular periods (had always been regular as clock work)
nose bleeds
bleeding gums
in cold weather fingers feel like blocks of ice then start to tingle feel painful then turn red
even when not cold finger starting to feel stiff to bend
unable to stay asleep at night
night sweats
on going fungal infection in both big toe nails . tried different treatments.even painted stuff on from doctors every day for over a year.thought it had gone but its come back
i don't get all the symptoms every day. some i wont have for months then get pungent smell that kicks of nose bleeds and hip/back pain
makes me think that they might be flares
thanks for reading
any replies would be much appreciated