I first applied for pip in February this yr, went for my assessment in April & was awarded 6points. After reading all assessment notes I was outraged to learn that the assessor had made out my conditions were milder & didn't effect my daily living as much as I'd explained. Example; I use 3dosette boxes for most of my meds, + pain relief & creams. Even then I've taken wrong meds at wrong time. She said I don't need help from aids (dosette boxes) or help to organise meds, lie! That's only 1 example. So I appealed. Had my appeal hearing last wed's. My stress levels were of the scale! Hearing was conducted by a judge, a doctor & a 3rd person (can't remember who she was) My sister, who see me daily, came with me. Although they cldnt have been nicer & anymore patient with me, I cried most of the 40 mins I was been interrogated to explain my daily needs/life. I did make points about assessor not listening & recording true facts. Example 2; I had breast cancer in 2006, because of complications I had to have a free tram reconstruction in 2008. The assessor put that reconstruction surgery was put on hold because of Lupus!!!! I wasn't diagnosed with Lupus till 2013!!! Anyhow to cut a long story, they awarded me 3 extra points & payment backdated from February. The award is for 3yrs, by which time I'll be 63yrs old & a lot wiser to the ways & info needed to claim PIP. Since winning the appeal my body has given in & a flare has taken over. I expected this after months of stress. I feel more relaxed & will let my body heal with plenty of rest. Just one more thing, I've learnt over the months if this fight, if it wasn't for fake people claiming these benefits we wouldn't have to be put through this humiliating & stressful process which makes us more ill or even worse, give in. Hope this post encourages at least one person to find the strength & fight for what we're legally entitled to.
PIP, won my case!!! : I first applied for pip in... - LUPUS UK
PIP, won my case!!!

Well done you.
PIP criteria has been made difficult to reduce numbers in receipt with lifetime DLA awards being ignored and many people losing the help they need and deserve. It is great that you have found the strength to fight and get your award albeit at the cost of a flare. Relax now but keep all letters results etc from now as awards are being reassessed one year in advance of award end so expect to hear Feb 2017 but I am sure you will be well prepared by then. Rest recoup and enjoy your win.
Thanx littleeffie, still finding it hard to believe I won. Suppose when the moneys in my account it'll seem more real.
Thanx also for the heads up about been assessed again about a year earlier than I thought I wld.
Will keep all info & paperwork like you suggested.
No problem we're here to help each other.
I would give it a week and then call Dwp to check that they have also received the decision and ask about payment as they like to take their time in fact the more back pay the longer they try and wait.
No problem with giving them an occasional call to get it paid.
Hi Smudge
Congratulations on your PIP award. Sorry it's come at the expense of a flare, you must feel very relieved and I hope your health improves soon. Thanks for sharing to give us all heart and hope to fight. X
Hi there. Well done for sticking with it and appealing. I am still waiting to hear about my assessment as I had my interview with the assessor last week. She seemed very nice but I have no idea how she will write up our talk. I was in with her for nearly two hours! Best Wishes. Stephen.
That fantastic news , i have my interview Monday week absolutely dreading it .
Make sure you rest now .
Fantastic news, you have given me hope for when my turn comes. Hope your flare calms soon x
Thank you all for your comment's. All the support from this group is fantastic. It's like having an extended family
When I need to go through this again I will be asking for the assessment to be recorded. I did think about this on my 1st assessment in April, but thought I didn't need to as theses people work for the government & I foolishly trusted them.
At the end of my appeal the judge asked my sister if she'd like to add anything. I believe her "closing speech" helped. She said, " its ok everyone sat here talking about Patricia's (me) health, but I'm the one who see's her daily. I'm the one who changes her bed, cooks for her & makes sure she has easy food to pop into the oven on bad days when I can't get to help her. I'm the one who does most of her housework & shopping. I phone her most days to check she's taken her meds as on bad days she's unable to get out of bed & when she's suffering brain fog she forgets what to take & when. She looks well even when she's too ill to shower & dress. Nobody official will see Patricia on her bad days, she still has pride in her appearances, but I've seen how these conditions have changed a very independent, stubborn person, won't except help from anyone, into a person who now can't live each day without help. She fights constantly to keep as much of her old self as possible."
She did go on abit more, but I didn't realise how much I'd had to change my life to cope with each day till I'd heard it from another person.
This experience has taught me to never give up on what you know to be right, you'll get there in the end.
Again thank you all for your good wishes,
Patricia xx
in Canada we don't have anything like PIP, but we are automatically put on the income tax disability when a doctor signs a sheet stating terminal illness. lupus meds are considered terminal. meds coverage, income tax shelter, grants for retirement etc. some perks anyway. my daughter is diabetic and she gets more benefits and tax savings than I do and free dental