So...not awarded PIP because I can manage toilet needs, read & understand signs, make budgeting decisions (even thought I said I needed reminding to pay bills) I have difficulties in preparing meals & they agreeded with that but then go on to say that I can eat & drink unaided. Yes I can but only if food & drink is prepared for me! Got no marks because I've not got mental health help, but I'm on anti-depression meds & c my gp regularly. Its so unfair what we are put through! The assessment is geared up for the wrong type of assessment we lupies need. Very angry at the mo, but I will find the energy for battle from somewhere. I've been of work for 6mths due to my working conditions been changed by unsympathetic manager. The stress has put me into deep depression n what feels like a permanent flare. So I'm got 2 battles on my hands. My line manager phoned me & said I'm a long way of from been ill health dismissed, but is really trying to get me bk into the "slave house" They no they not followed correct procedure. Anyway sorry for waffling, but it's calmed me down. Thanks to all for listening x
Not awarded PIP!: So...not awarded PIP because I... - LUPUS UK
Not awarded PIP!

Hi Smudge please go to the citizens Advice Bureau and get help with making an appeal
Hi Smudge
So sorry to read of your problems. The CAB will also help you deal with your employer as they have employment advisors who will help. They have a good website too so seek their help as soon as you can. Good luck. X
Thanx misty14, its good to no we all have each others support. Work no now they in the wrong n I have a good line manager again, but I've lost faith in the company. Its not just any company, if you get the hint Will be seeking help as I've always fought battles on my own I now realise how easy it is to be trodden on. So dissapointed how people with disabilities are treated. The laws really need changing x
I was awarded the US equivalent of PIP but was disappointed, angry, shocked and insulted by their reasons for giving it to me. There was no mention of poor balance, falls. There was no mention of adrenal gland failure. There was no mention of serious Osteoporosis, dislocated shoulder, and fractured upper back rib. They gave it to me for depression and anxiety. Go figure.