For many years, I have suffered from what were thought to be recurrent uti's but my recent bout ( 6 in 5 months) have all come back negative for infection
I cannot describe how painful it can be at times, it really comes on quickly and feels like my insides are going to explode..... Other times, it can be a constant dull ache ( up to a week at a time) accompanied by back pain.
I have finally convinced the gp that there is something wrong and to send me for further tests, a cystoscopy and ultrasound.
The problem is, when you have a chronic condition such as lupus ( I have a few other to throw in too) everything is put down to lupus and not investigated as an individual issue.
Does anyone else suffer from this or have any knowledge to pass on or know whether it is linked to my lupus???
Any insight into this would be gratefully accepted