Do anyone have very bad pains just under their rib cage on both sides, what could this be? pains in the day, also on waking up in the morning.
Pain under ribs.: Do anyone have very bad pains... - LUPUS UK
Pain under ribs.

Hi jane, I too get that and it's to do with inflammation of the tissues. It's more common in women too?! Mine usually settles with regular pain killers. It's horrible though isn't it? X
Thanks 73snoopy, do you manage to work as I'm on the sick at the moment with pain under ribs, legs, hips and feet. X
iv e haD THSI FOR 3 YEARS and no diagnosis other than being told its inflammation until a few weeks ago when gp said it was hiatus hernia causing it on left I said in that case ive had hiatus hernia for 3 years.some have said it s ribs protrude on left side and prevent sleep .
I also get severe pain under my ribs, I had my gallbladder removed years ago, and this pain is as though the gallbladder is back.
I have put my pain down to inflammation and poss scar tissue.
The pain is severe and can last over an hour at times, and i don't know what to do with myself.
I took codeine tablets as prescribed by GP some while ago, which seem to cause a severe reaction under my rib area.
Hence I avoid codeine now completely.
This may sound daft, but deep breaths and controlled exhalation seems to help.
But sorry, no miracle cure.
Take care , Sandy
Hi, sandy,
I also had my gallbladder removed years ago since then can't take codeine, I too have a severe reaction , send to hospital for 2days. Jane. x
I have this too and when I mentioned it to the rheumy nurse she said it was inflammation and arranged CRP blood test.
I was told mine was costochondritis - inflammation of the cartalige (sorry cant spell that!) between the ribcage.
Very painful but was told rest and painkillers would help. Mine usually lasts a few days to a couple of weeks before going.
I hope you manage to find some relief soon. Its such a horrible pain.
Take care
Thank you, Belee.