anyone experienced joint pains without visible swelling ? My hands feel stiff and puffy as do my feet sometimes , but no visible signs of swelling. Is it just me ?
joint pain with no visible swelling? : anyone... - LUPUS UK
joint pain with no visible swelling?

Hi Sammie. Not just you. I never get swelling just stiffness, tingling, and some numbness in my feet. I'm lucky in a way as all my problems are internal and not really painful joints , just random and short lived. My main pain is chest lingering from pericarditis and pleural effusion 18 years ago ! But it's not constant , shoulders wrists and fingers flare a bit but easily dealt with co codemol. Irritable bowel and palpitations are my main trouble, on Azathioprine, hydroxychloriquine and 1mg prednisone, plus BP meds and betablocker.
Anyway, to answer you no, I don't get swelling , only time I have was my ankles with too high a BP med dose. So I imagine it's probably quite common, I may be wrong . But as my old GP once said, no two people will have the exact same symptoms, which makes it really hard to pin treatments down I guess.
I hope your pain is treatable .
Take care
thank you for your reply !
so I had pleurisy a few years ago. I know symptoms for a while. I find that after I had my child pretty much all of my symptoms went away up until this past year. Everything’s all coming back, including these mild chest pains that aren’t every day, aren’t all of the time , but most days happened a few times .
Hi sammie. I don't get any swelling of my joints but get pain in my hands and feet. I'm currently prescribed pregabalin x
During the course of their disease, approximately 95% of lupus patients will have joint symptoms − either arthritis or arthralgias. Arthritis in lupus is due to inflammation of the lining of the joint (called synovitis) that leads to swelling, tenderness, and stiffness. Arthralgia refers to joint pain without swelling.31 May 2022 › conditions_j...
Is Lupus Causing Your Joint Pain or Is It Really Arthritis? - HSS
my doctor thinks it’s lupus. I don’t really fit the criteria for arthritis, but initially psoriatic arthritis is what they were looking at. After sitting down and discussing all of my symptoms and showing my doctor pictures and videos. He thinks it’s lupus, but because he is a general GP he’s sending me a rheumatology to be properly tested.
Me too no swelling but awful tight pain in hips, back, knees, feet on and off. Sometimes I have to resort to a walking stick. Other times I am fine and like normal. Steroids work wonders but they are not good in the long term but I really wish they were. Like magic. Apart from that I use hemp cream and heat pads.
I find it better and less stinky than deep heat. Works quite fast too.