My eyesight has definitely deteriorated since having lupus which I find very frustrating as do a lot of detailed sewing work. Was considering laser eye surgery but wanted to know from fellow loopies what experiences they have had with laser eye surgery. I cannot wear contacts any more as eyeballs too dry and lenses just weld themselves to them!
Laser Eye Treatment:: My eyesight has definitely... - LUPUS UK
Laser Eye Treatment:

Hi. I wanted to have it done too for the same reasons as you, I can get away with wearing my lenses for a few hours but tend not to wear them unless special occasion. Used to wear them all day every day and absolutely hate wearing glasses spoke to my optician and she said they wouldn't let me have it because of having lupus and the dry eye already. It can cause the eyes to become even dryer apparently and I couldn't handle that. Rubbish
Jo x
I've just had laser and my eyes are constantly bloodshot, despite having SnoTears and Lumigan. I had mine as a outside attempt to keep my eyesight a bit longer without surgery.
Think carefully and talk to your optician and optometrist about possible effects, you only have one pair of eyes and a persistant 'gritty' feeling is not easy to put up with.
Take care x
Thank you for that and sorry your eyes are sore. Not easy is it? I will ask rheumy and optician before thinking about it any further. If anyone else has had a positive experience please let us all know! Thank you !
Hi fit chick
I had lazer eye surgery about 10 years ago, before I was diagnosed with lupus. Looking back I already had some of the symptoms, including the dry eyes. Which I now realise was an early sign of secondary sjogrens syndrome. But it went well & I've had 10 spec free years.
What meds are you on for lupus? Some Immuno-suppressants can inhibit your healing ability, so that might rule you out. Definitely I good idea to speak to your rheumy, as the others said.
Do the lazer companies still do free consultantions? I found the people I spoke to were very knowledgeable, & I they won't go ahead unless they are totally sure it's all ok.
If you can't have it, geek chic specs are the way to go I think.
All the best. X
Thank you for replying. I feel I now need to research this thoroughly before thinking about this any further!
Hi, I am a Textile Artist that is struggling with my failing eyesight, where once I would have been able to finish knitting a fine lace shawl in a matter of a few weeks now both my poor eyesight and painful joints have slowed me down considerably. I am trying to teach myself to create things without my sight and have so far mastered weaving and spinning because if am unable to create, my life would be worthless . I am always in awe of people who consider having laser treatment for their eyes I am a cowardly lion just thinking about someone examining my eyes, even going to the optician is a traumatic experience for me I think you should do what your inner self is telling you to do and i wish you the best of luck and a fine pair of eyes.
Bless you Julymoon. I too want good eyes for fine sewing work which is becoming increasingly difficult but therapeutic when other more active pursuits become less and less possible. I admire you modifying your techniques to continue with your creativity. I used to work creatively with food as a food stylist and worked with clients from all over the world so horizons have somewhat shrunk these days all thanks to the joy of lupus! Couldn't even manage sewing this afternoon and been asleep for 4 hrs, just so tired today! Good luck with the weaving, sounds fun and thank you for sharing your thoughts. Tough it is. X