Anybody get eye bleeds ? Had such a bad one today had to be checked at hospital. They couldn’t believe I woke up with it . Look like I’d been in an accident. I was checked by a consultant & eye fine , blood work checked as well . I look like I should be in a horror movie so full of blood & massive black eye. Never any answers as usual! 😫
Eye bleeds ? : Anybody get eye bleeds ? Had such a... - LUPUS UK
Eye bleeds ?

How awful for you - do you have headache with it and do you happen to have EDS? I can’t believe they didn’t keep hold of you until they found the cause.
Could this be a haematoma I wonder? I was looking these up earlier as I have dark pooling in the corners always now but I think this relates to my Sjögren’s fatigue. However I’m also very prone to having burst blood vessels and haematomas - so by coincidence I just happened to read this about CSF leaks which apparently can cause spontaneous haematomas due to the pressure of the leak. They are very hard to diagnose and can affect people with EDS. The rare stuff affecting many of us is not usually understood by A&E but if there’s an eye hospital near you I think that’s where I’d head ASAP.

Thanks Twitchytoes for ur reply , been having headaches & vision problems for ages but optician & ophthalmologist both said no problems with eyes. Just needed stronger glasses. Saw another ophthalmologist yesterday again & thoroughly checked & still saying eyes ok. Bloods checked & even though platelets run low they said they not dangerously low. Normally they run between 60 & 90. I am in Spain at mo with this happening but got to say hospital in Torrevieja been marvellous. I will get checked again when I get home .
I’m so glad your eyes are okay fundamentally - but still this doesn’t seem right at all does it. I think you should see your own GP ASAP once home and show them this pic, blood results from the Spanish hospital and request urgent neurology and vascular referrals - or perhaps ask your rheumatologist for their input if you are in direct communication. My concern would be that if you can spontaneously bleed like this so it’s visible there’s something going on that could also cause spontaneous invisible bleeds. Best of luck with this x
I agree. I would never let someone walk out the ED with that. Shame on them. I hope they checked platelets and coags. That just seems egregious. I’ve never seen anything like that.
I’m sorry tremarel. Hang in there. Go back if you’re having pain. This seems crazy to me!
I have no advice just want to say I am thinking of you. How scary this must be! Did they suggest why the hyphema might have happened and any plan for an appointment to check how it is healing and ruling out malignancies such as melanoma or diabetes? Hyphema is a medical emergency and if your vision changes at all go back to a and e! I am shocked you were not admitted. Take care and I hope you heal quickly. Xo
Aww bless thanks for thinking of me. Everything been checked . I’m here in Spain until next week the healthcare system are spot on I got to say. Not sure the cause whether it be the lupus or medications side effects as being on steroids for many years. Doesn’t help. Take care & have good day God Bless x
Bleeds in the white of the eye like that are actually quite common - especially in patients on corticosteroids and (obviously) anticoagulant therapies. They are no different from a bruise (haematoma is just the medical word) anywhere else.
"A hematoma (US spelling) or haematoma (UK spelling) is a localized bleeding outside of blood vessels, due to either disease or trauma including injury or surgery and may involve blood continuing to seep from broken capillaries." (Wiki)
The capillaries on the surface of the white of the eye may become fragile due to medication and leak blood for all sorts of reasons. As it is on the surface it is very obvious and can look really scary!. It is called a subconjunctival haemorrhage
Of course I can't find images of any as "good" as yours today!!!!!
Aww bless thanks for ur response . I read all about it. Difficult being on steroids for 40years & the implications of many years of all sorts of treatments along with the lupus & all the other diseases I’ve been diagnosed with. Thanks again great to chat & share our problems . Take care have great day X
It’s not the eye that concerns me. The whole surrounding orbit is bruised. Spontaneous bruising like that around the eye causes concern for compression/swelling. There are a lot vital structures in this area. You’d get admitted just for suspicion of infection in the area but an active bleed/bruising with platelets anywhere near 50k....that’s definite grounds for admission.
Not to be an alarmist. I get it...people bruise and bleed with our conditions. This just seems a bit much in my opinion.
You’ve got great replies, so not much i can add, except to say: oh tremarel: am so sorry you’ve got this horrible bleed going on.
I get spontaneous non-impact haematomas just about everywhere (mainly due to hEDS & small vessel vasculitis - my bloods show no other reason for these haematomas) but stopped getting haematomas in my eye itself once i started lupus meds...the NHS used to give me chloramphenicol for bleeds in the eyeball because mine were ‘accompanied’ by pus from infection due to my PID high risk, so i figure the 3-weekly IVIG immunology has me on now is helping prevent that.
Hope you’ll keep us posted on this
❤️🍀❤️🍀❤️ Coco
Aww thanx Barnclown yes the consultant here in Spain said he thinks causing vascular problems. I been on IVIG weekly for many years as was diagnoses with CVID. So strange as had small bleeds on & off for many years but nothing like this. Also since about April been having vision problems, blurred & pain but every consultant & optician saying eyes are fine. Thanks again so great to chat & share problems all the best to u x
Hmmm...feeling v concerned about’re always v brave about everything (eg when immunology finally started me on 3-weekly IVIG earlier this year for my CVID (panhypogammaglobulineamia), i felt braver about having these infusions thanks to the encouraging comments you’ve made here),
for years i too had medics + opticians telling me there was nothing wrong with my eyes despite a bunch of persistently bad symptoms...turned out i had sjogrens dry eye with severe cornea damage due to filamentary keratitis...which was discovered several years ago by the cornea chief at my local NHS eye clinic (his treatment continues, he sees me every 6 months and is helping my eyes a lot!)...wish i could magic you here to see him!
Take care ❤️🍀❤️🍀
Oh bless ur heart thank u greatly for ur concern . Always something to contend with hey ! Never had trouble with eyes like lately & no answers I keep getting eyes all fine even though my sight so not clear. They do say dry eyes but shouldn’t affect my sight , they are painful as well. Thought maybe migraine . Had brain scan earlier in year that was fine. So glad to hear ur being seen regularly & keeping a check on things . All the best have a good weekend . God Bless x
I get these fairly regularly, not as bad as yours though. Mine never leave the eye, but can be both. Like you they have no answers ....god !!!
You must of been terried 😰
You poor poor thing...I hope you have help and support....I'm really frightenedt now as I don't have anyone....I did have nasal and annual bleeding after week on Neuofen just one a day... ....I keep forgetting check everything now I have a new tittle...... here's an eye thing though I wiped my upper eye ball trying to remove a lash and it left me with what I think is a floater....another thing to now get checked 😣
I hope you get sorted ? 😍
Gosh, that looks awful! I haven't had that so cannot comment. Good replies above. Go back to the hospital immediately if you get any other symptoms. Take lots of care + take it easy. Hugs x