New medication less fatigue more problems?
I feel like all the Doctors’ appointments, Rheumatologist appointments and blood tests are paying off.
I am starting to feel better. I literally woke up one day and it felt like a fog of fatigue and pain was lifted slightly, its still here but I can now see other tings ..
Im car is filthy how have I been driving it like this
I have not had my nails or feed done this is not acceptable
And I can’t believe I have been rocking into work without any make-up or doing my hair
I know these may sound like small trivial things but before my illness they were really important to me and I can’t believe that up in till now I simply haven’t thought about it.
On the other side I’m realizing that certain friends and colleagues who claim to be close me have not contacted me to see how I am or how I am feeling
Work claimed they would support me through all this but haven’t really
I’m feeling very bitter sweet right now because I am happy to be feeling better but also starting to feel a bit resentful