should I contact rheumatologists secretary - LUPUS UK


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should I contact rheumatologists secretary

anbuma profile image
9 Replies

I have an appointment with rheumatologist on 15th march should I email them with details of my medical history and experiences with drs since I last saw him

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9 Replies


You could try sending your history although as I found, my Rheumy hadn't seen/read it anyway! As for experience with other doctors, I probably wouldn't start off on that foot and let him go at it with a fresh set of eyes rather than potentially influence his approach. Keep it simple and factual. I also think it is very important that you don't offer your own diagnosis for each symptom. He will be able to work out for himself where you feel symptoms are pointing by listening to your history, but it's important not to muddy the waters to begin with. Let him get a feel for what's what, then wait until later in the appointment to ask your list of questions. If you feel he isn't listening, only then introduce your experience with Drs over this whole thing, and explain that you don't feel that anyone is taking you seriously and that it is making you feel hopeless.

On another separate note, I noticed from another post that you said you actually have had an abdo scan a year ago, does the fact that this didn't show ovarian cancer not comfort you at all? It is just such a terrible conclusion to have reached in your mind, based on your symptoms of the last 3 years, and I fear you may be going through hell unnecessarily. Please don't be offended by this, I'm only concerned for the stress and worry you are under, when I really don't think (I hope) if there were the slightest chance, even the most obnoxious of Drs would refuse to investigate because of a doctor/patient relationship breakdown? Have you asked to speak to the practice manager at the surgery yet? I have found that a complaint to them about the way a GP is treating you often helps? I really do hope you get the answers you deserve soon xxx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to

I know I have ahd a scan but i ahve not been given any other reason fro my swollen .I ahve never complained to my GP about constipation or diarrheoa.he is just assuming that it is IBS.anyway telling me "it s my stomach"is nto a proper diagnosis and doesnt give any reassurance .why is it said that OC is so often mistaken fro a bowel condition?this does still happen as others ahve told me and its been said on tv by tv doctors.i spoke to the practice manager last year and got nowhere with her and I wrote to her again recently and she wrote back saying I have to speak with my dr.yesterday I told him I had lost more weight on hips and legs and my stomach got bigger.on weighing he said I have gained weight.but he dismissed me when i said that means my stomach ahs increased even more cos of loss elsewhere.he ahs also dismissed thyroid symptoms cos bloods were in range and he said th elabs wouldn't do a T3 or T4 if tsh is normal.

I really don't know what else to suggest other than maybe, just maybe (please, please don't think I am being unsympathetic or in anyway condoning his treatment of you) some of the weight is diet related. 11kg is a hell of a lot to attribute to a growth or cyst, and although you eat very little I notice that you say you drink plenty of glucose drinks, which is pure sugar and could be responsible for some weight gain? Also, post-menopausal (again forgive me if I sound rude or unkind) weight does tend to go on the abdomen more than anywhere else. Please don't think I am being unkind, I'm trying to think of explanations other than cancer to try and ease your worry NOT dismiss you or put you down. I just think it's awful that you have this cancer fear hanging over you when there is more likely a less sinister explanation. If it's thyroid, then bloating (not weight gain) would be a side effect so that needs checking out, especially since you have a lump in your throat.

I really think you need to change doctors surgeries, and the fact that his is the only surgery in the area should not be a barrier to this. I'm going to look into this if you'll let me as I think you need someone to go through your concerns and rule in or out the illnesses you are worried about. Would you be prepared to let me help you? I really think this needs sorting out Xxx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to

I have glucose drinks when I cannot eat much to keep me going/11kgs i'm not up on kgs as know imperial measurements.have read of people with cysts weighing 22lbs before now.each time I look down or in a mirror I see how huge my stomach is

Hi, I've just seen the photo you've posted of face rash. It's difficult to tell as small so looks like flushing rather than butterfly rash on that particular photo. However, what really struck me, and relates back to the swollen abdomen issue were your eyebrows, and the fact that they are very full on the inner half to 2 thirds then much thinner. Is that how they have always been? No disrespect intended, but I know you suspect thyroid problems xx

anbuma profile image


no I noticed ln middle of last year that my eyebrows appeared thinner on outer edge btu ddint really think anything of it until i read it somewhere that it could be thyroid related.i ahd to reduce the pic as originally too large.will try again later to post a larger one.

gazorpf profile image

Summarize it as best you can. Bring it to your appointment. Have one copy for you and once for the doctor,

I've seen the bigger picture you have put up of your skin, and I have to say I don't think it looks like the malar (butterfly) rash of Lupus. It looks like a classic case of rosacea to me, but you need you GP to confirm this. A long term, low grade antibiotic would normally be used to treat it.

From what others have said about your symptoms, I think your main concerns to take up with you GP are primarily ovarian cancer, which is obviously foremost in your mind, followed by thyroid. I would, for now, concentrate on getting answers from your GP on these, and look at what you will ask the rheumy nearer the appointment time, when hopefully you will be able to narrow it down.

Please take this as a genuine offer, and please tell me to mind my own business if you don't find this helpful, but would it assist you if I drafted a letter for you ( sent from you) to your surgery demanding some answers. I really want to help ease your worry, and since I am a lawyer, writing (particularly difficult letters about conflict) is my main skill, particularly when it comes to reminding people of their legal obligations. It may be that I can do no better a job than you, but the offer is there, and I would get great satisfaction from making your GP do his job properly. Let me know xxx

anbuma profile image

my gp has treated me fro a rash but never made a diagnosis of rosacea

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