At the Imaginary International Rheumatologists Co... - LUPUS UK


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At the Imaginary International Rheumatologists Conference...

whisperit profile image
53 Replies

"Friends, colleagues, distinguished professors and lowly registrars. Thank you for attending this conference to hear the changes we propose for the relationship between you and your patients with complex systemic auto-immune disorders such as lupus.

From now on, the traditional roles are to be reversed.

- patients will be writing and holding all their own clinical notes.

- all reports and assessments will be sent directly to them.

- should you wish to see any reports or assessment before an appointment, you can submit a written request to the patient - although they may withold some of the notes from you if they think it might be in your or their best interests, or if it is inconvenient for them.

- it will also be up to the patient to decide whether you get to see copies of any other correspondence related to the case.

- you will, however, be responsible for ensuring that any information that is held in other clinical locations (for example at the GP practice or other specialism) is kept together and to coordinate communication between these services

- you will also be required to experience any investigation and to take any medication you advise for the patient [uneasy mutterings] Oh - don't worry, you can always stop if you experience any adverse effects

The only thing that will remain unchanged is that whilst you will be professionally responsible for the consequences of any clinical advice you give, the patient still gets to live with the consequences of any treatment for the rest of their life.

I will take questions in a moment, but just to anticipate the obvious one - "How can we possibly be expected to make good, thought-through, approriate decisions under those conditions?", my answer is "This is how your patients currently have to take those same deicsions. So surely you can't consider them unreasonable....?"

Thank you."

Written by
whisperit profile image
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53 Replies
Shorthouse profile image

Brilliant ! So true and we are all over the country.(very sad) all areas are the same.

suzannah16 profile image

:) are you having a bad day? like the bit about our notes and them trying the medication.

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to suzannah16

Lol. Don't blame me, I was egged on by another forum member who asked to remain anonymous x

Imakook profile image
Imakook in reply to whisperit

I think I might know who, just by the use of the word, "whilst".

Thank you for the awesome dialogue:-)


eekt profile image

The American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting is underway RIGHT NOW!

Submit this paper as a late-breaking abstract and jump onto the next flight to Chicago! 🤗 🤩😚 xxx

in reply to eekt

I suggested EULAR as it’s nearer and he might be able to do it still just before the queues for passports get much longer?!

Melba1 profile image
Melba1 in reply to eekt

I do have the email if Prof Isenberg - shall I send it?! X

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to Melba1

Feel free. So long as he doesn't send his enforcers after me x

Melba1 profile image
Melba1 in reply to eekt

Maybe we should write to them and see if they have any patients at the conference telling it from their perspective in any of those talks/ posters??

Definitely think Whisperit and twitchy could do a very good poster/ performance!!


eekt profile image
eekt in reply to Melba1

I don't have the bandwidth to download (or watch 🤣🤣🤣) the Q&A session..but it would be really useful to be able to get in touch! xxx

in reply to Melba1

Great Mel - let’s get our ever growing white coat PTSD gang here galvanised and go have a ball at EULAR!?!

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to

I'll do the Scottish nutter bit ! 😜😵😈 xxx

Paul_Howard profile image
Paul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK in reply to Melba1

I don't know about all of the international rheumatology conferences, but EULAR certainly does include patient representatives giving talks and participating in Q&A sessions. Yvonne (Vice Chair/Trustee) has often been involved in these sessions in the past along with other representatives from LUPUS EUROPE.

Mike it’s fabulous and I think you should seriously consider submitting it as a EULAR abstract for their Abstracts poster competition/ exhibition. There is prize money for the winner and free 4⭐️ accommodation as I recall.

Also if you would be interested then I’d be happy to work with you on the illustration/ artwork side of things (I have a milligan/ shriggley/ Dr Seuss style)?

And if this submission was successful then I’d take up the free entry to the congress as your carer and happily wheel you about - providing there was a little shelf on the back so I could scoot and go “wheeee” every time we came to a long corridor full of awe struck rheumies?

What d’you reckon?


whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to

Would they accept a performance art submission do you think? We could just bring whatever symptom we were feeling on the day - maybe the delegates would appreciate the sensation of pins and needles (supplied by us) in their eyeballs, or having someone knocking their legs out from under them at unexpected moments over the buffet lunch...? x

in reply to whisperit

Well yes why not?!

And I’d be doubly up for a performance if I knew that some neurologists were attending too. Then we could put their names down for lumbar punctures and diagnose them with functional neurological disorder (FND) while requesting that they skinny dip in a site specific pond with all manner of pond life and insects to snuggle up to? X

PS and walk on red hot coals surrounding.

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to

🤣🤣🤣🤣 xxx

Melba1 profile image
Melba1 in reply to

😂 go twitchy! X

in reply to Melba1

Well it’s cheered me up a bit anyway! X

Melba1 profile image
Melba1 in reply to

I think laughing in the face of adversity is very important! Although I wonder if neurologists would classify this type of laughter as having an organic or functional cause??! 😱😂 x

in reply to Melba1

Well I think it’s keeping the lot of us somewhat sane whereas all the neurologists I’ve come across are a lost cause!

A friend from FND HU has just sent me this which I think sums it up perfectly.

doggydootwentytwo profile image
doggydootwentytwo in reply to

Love this

whisperit profile image

yikes. will look that up now, ta x


Barnclown profile image

😍BRILLIANT 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👏👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣🤣

MORE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

😘🍀😘🍀😘🍀 Coco

We wish! Xx

eekt profile image

Or this one: 6th World Congress on Controversies, Debates & Consensus in Bone, Muscle & Joint Diseases (BMJD)

🤣🤣🤣 xxxx

Bangkok, 6-8th Nov

misty14 profile image

This is so clever Whisperit and true!. I love it ! I hope you do get an award for this !. . I've often thought ( particularly when due to see my Rheumy which is tomorrow) they don't have a clue what it's like being us patients and what we have to endure!. Do hope your not having too bad a time!. X

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to misty14

Thanks misty,

I'm having a good day today. Let us know how things go tomorrow - and good luck x

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to whisperit

Thanks whisper it I will. Glad you've had a good day. X

in reply to misty14

Best of luck for tomorrow Misty - will be thinking of you. 🤞🏽😘

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to

Thanks so much twitchy, for your good wishes. Will let u know how it goes. Take careXx

maggielee profile image

WOW what treat to read this after taking written exams all day, i have the biggest smile 😃😃 ta. Great viewpoint and very much how and maybe all of us are feeling....ML👏👏👏👏

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to maggielee

Thanks - how were the exams? Or are you trying to forget them? x

maggielee profile image
maggielee in reply to whisperit

Hard to say...i am trying to not think what i could have written & switch to mindless iPlayer in a minute. I used every second i had,. They gave allowances for my 'disabilities ' as suggested by Disability Wales thank goodness more time for my to engage & remember & I got to type it which was fab as I most?y type & not write... Thanks for asking.... Fingers crossed, part I I is an oral interview by 4-5 specialist s & a portfolio presentation, which i need to finish assuming I pass yaaaah 😲 😵 . ML

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to maggielee

Oo - that sounds hard. Still, it's done now. Onwards and upwards! x

maggielee profile image

Louise many thanks for that info its our (Wendy & my health board!!!) Failing us all.. Wonder if she would sign Wendy's petition? What hope do we have if cancer care is bad? Oh me, oh

maggielee profile image

Should brain to engage....been driving for a few hours after the exam 😃😁

HedgeEnd profile image

Love it!!!!!!

Kevin53 profile image

This must be the best post of 2018. Best wishes Kevin

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to Kevin53

Memory problems then, perhaps, Kevin ;) but thanks x

Kevin53 profile image
Kevin53 in reply to whisperit

Ok. One of the best posts!

Melba1 profile image
Melba1 in reply to Kevin53

As the chair Kevin, maybe you can lead the lupus army to one of these events and you and whisperit can give a speech?! X

Kevin53 profile image
Kevin53 in reply to Melba1

Thanks Melba1. The army is this forum. It’s definitely developing the pathway. Best wishes Kevin

Melba1 profile image
Melba1 in reply to Kevin53

Yes definitely, so much knowledge and support for each other. We might not be the strongest or fittest army but definitely the most resilient AND it’s so fantastic that everyone looks out for each other and cares through all the ups and downs of our respective disease paths x

lupieibbie profile image

Superb! 😂👏👏👏👏👏

Lupiknits profile image

Seems like I was last to the party again! Mike, it's brilliant! I have a rheumy appt tomorrow and another next week. All very useful x

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to Lupiknits

Thanks. Good luck with your appmts - keep us posted on how they go x

Joaclp profile image

I just saw a report about the American meetings saying lupus patients claim they have more flares and many different symptoms than their rheumatologists know about. Surprise!

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to Joaclp

Exactly! I was discussing this very thing earlier today - the way our rheumys are unaware of how much self-management we have to do in between appointments. That experience is invisible to them, and it may be partly why they underestimate how much insight and understanding we bring to our own management. x

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to whisperit

They do indeed underestimate. The difficulty for the patient is working out which one thoroughly appreciates this and wants to know, and which may feel undermined or threatened by it. Takes all sorts, but if I were a medic I'd be happier when patients feel completely comfortable in expressing what they understand and how they deal with life outside the 10 min slot available. At the very least, it gives both a chance of making best use of the 10 mins.

JGBH profile image

Could not have put it better myself! Yes, you have made the point(s) we all feel at the hands of so-called professionals. They really don't seem to know a great deal.

One has to experience the problems/disabilities/the fear, etc. to understand. For doctors it's only handbook theory, they have NO idea of the devastation, loneliness and abandonment one finds oneself in.

Sending you compassion, positive vibes, and a very friendly hug, and best wishes for better days.

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to JGBH

Thank you JGBH, you've done a pretty good job of putting it better ! Hope your day goes well too x

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