My brain fog is getting worse, very rapidly. Also, my spelling is declining fast (I'm using predictive text!). Worst of all is when I can't remember what to say and can't remember names of things and people. Should I contact my consultant or is this normal? Xxx
Do I contact my consultant?: My brain fog is... - LUPUS UK
Do I contact my consultant?

Im 67 and my head hurts just trying to remember what i said a few mins ago.
and this has been going on for many years,even writing this i have to look at the text and begin to wonder what the hell am I writing.Just have a word with your GP.or if your appointment with consultant is with in the next couple of mths write a day dairy so not to forget and ask then
I am also getting brain fog more and more. It is really frustrating when your in the middle of saying a sentence and you just lose a word and can't trace in your head (if that makes sense). Also sentences come out back to front sometimes or I just totally forget what it was I was talking about, or lose track of a simple thing someone is telling me. It is beginning to make me anxious of talking to people as I feel stupid when it happens and as I have no diagnosis I can't just say 'oh it's the lupus'. I told my rhuemie about this the other week, along with struggling with spelling, bad memory and poor concentration. He has done some mpre blood tests though not sure yet what he has tested for. I would certainly mention it to your rhuemie. Not sure what use it would be telling your gp as if they are anything like the ones I see they openly admit they do not know much about lupus or related diseases. On the otherhand I did mention my new symptoms to gp and she contacted rhuemie to bring forward my appointment so could be worth mentioning in that respect. Good luck and take care xxx
Just noticed you had replied above at the same time I was writing. Lol xx
Your whole reply makes sense and sounds just like me! In the house it is OK. We just laugh about me saying weird and wonderful things! But I agree with you regarding talking to people. You can feel stupid and it's embarrassing, especially so on the phone! Oh well, never mind! At least we aren't alone in this. Take care xx
Yeh my other half just thinks I've lost the plot and we just laugh about it. My mam understands as well. But very awkward in other situations and so embarrasing! It is slightly comforting knowing it is not just me (not that I would wish it on anyone!) let us know how you get on when you see your rhuemie about it hun xxx
If you are worried then see the doc, better safe than sorry.
Cognitive dysfunction should definitely be discussed with your doctor/s. Especially if you, or those around you, sense it is progressing. Brain fog can be more than brain fog. Best not to ignore symptoms / changes. The doctor/s are not with you 24/7. Only you know your daily symptoms and how much they negatively impact your life. Communication with your doctor/s is imperative for the best possible patient benefit.
Be well.
Carry on strong.

Is cognitive dysfunction only a symptom of lupus that is transitory or can it go on into what i saw called "brain lupus", does anyone know? My rheumatologist said that I have the mild form of sle (skin, joints and hair) and that very rarely that 'jumps' into organ lupus. I have experienced dizziness like my head is buzzing and while that was going on I found that I couldn't find some words. I am terrified of brain lupus, any idea if that is a progression from 'brain fog'?
Cognitive dysfunction can be lupus related or NOT lupus related. It could just be your natural aging process. Best to determine what's what.
The symptoms of dizziness head buzzing with loss of words should be discussed with your doctor/s. It could be a side effect of one of your Rxs. It could be something other too.
Best to not wind yourself up - communicate with your doctor/s and go from there. It will get sorted.
Carry on strong.
I think you shoul discuss this with your doctor mine is just the same but has been for some time now I can be enjoying a wonderful conversation then suddenly a word goes and thats it I only need to lose concentration for a few minutes