Firstly I want to thank everyone who replied to my last post and all their kind wishes.
Unfortunately things didn't progress as promisingly as I thought. I was doing so well in the first week, then Saturday temperature of a 102! Sunday morning vomitting, phoned the ward went straight in and they did the usual obs tests to make sure I hadn't got an infection and sent me home under instruction to call out my own doc. Monday am doctor called and gave me some tablets so I could sip water and not to eat for 48 hours. Following morning blood in urine, telephone call came through from doc who spoke to my husband and put me on antibiotics and asked for sample to be taken in. Wednesday I was sick again as I was yesterday but the test will be through tomorrow. Feeling very frail, lost so much weight, can't talk easily and this post as taken me all day to write! Another thing, rhuematologist appointment has had to be cancelled this Thursday. Just want everyone's collective thoughts or prayers for me please. Don't normally feel this morbid but so weak and frail. Thank you so much for reading this! Xxx