Hi all it's me again. My husband had his Chemoradiaion 6 weeks ago. I don't know if this is all the side effects that he's having. Every time he woke up he told me that, feels like someone injecting him with an Ice water, blood pumping into his head or acid he could not explain it to me. He would not go to his GP since he told my husband to book himself to the Hospice bec. he got terminal Cancer, and the only thing he do is giving my husband more pain killers that's before his treatment even started. By the way my husband had stage 3 SCLC T4 N1, Treament Etoposide and Cisplatin 4 cycles of Chemo and 25 Radiation. By end of this month July were going to see his Oncologist. Just been wondering if any of you guys have this feeling, please help and need your advice.
Worried, Confused looking for Advice. - The Roy Castle Lu...
Worried, Confused looking for Advice.

So sorry to hear about your husband. I am afraid i cant help you with your question, however may be phoning your lung cancer nurse specialist or even Roy castle helpline for more advice.
Big hugs to you and your hubby.
Thank you jillygirl for your reply. I think we have to wait for my husband Oncologist end of this month. He's lung cancer nurse seems doesn't know as well. All they told us make sure he eat nutritious foods, drink a lot of fluids and take some pain killers of which my husband hate it.
You could get some fresubin energy drinks from the doctors or pharmacist.
They do help to build you up.
He ate and drink well he have no problem. The problem is those horrible pain he have, as he told me he cannot explain it, kind of Cold water injecting him, pumping right through his head and like acid going all around his body, it comes and go. Normally attacking him when he woke up.
Oh i wish i could help. I do hope someone can help him. X

Dear Salakot
Sorry for the delay in responding to you. I am sorry to hear of your Husbands symptoms.
Some people have reported these sensations as sudden and severe , initermittent then passes. There is a condition called Paresthesia ( pressure on the nerves/ or caused by poor circulation) this can cause sudden, sharp feelings of either hot or cold.
Have you noticed if there are any other times he is having this, or is it only when he wakes up. It could be because he has been sleeping for awhile in the one position, that when he moves it starts , due to maybe any poor circulation. Things to look out for maybe if he has any numbness or tingling along with this or pain.
It may be worthwhile calling your Husbands Lung cancer specialist nurse to discuss. It is good you will be seeing the Oncologist this week.
If you wish to discuss anything you can call us on our free nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200
Let us know how it goes
All the best
The Roy Castle Support Team