Hi, I am recently diagnosed with APS (B2 Glycoprotein IgG >150) after one failed IVF attempt. For my next attempt, I am torn between just depending on baby aspirin only or to take both aspirin and clexane to boost chances of pregnancy and prevent miscarriage. My IVF doctor recommend try aspirin first while my rheumatologist thinks that aspirin alone is not sufficient and best to take both aspirin and clexane. I am really confused. Any advise please.
APS positive - seek advise to start I... - Hughes Syndrome A...
APS positive - seek advise to start IVF treatment after failed implantation

Hi and welcome, I'm sorry for your struggles with getting pregnant.
I have no medical knowledge regarding IVF etc. My pregnancies were prior to diagnoses of APS.
But my instinct here is, as you have the diagnoses of APS already, I would go with the rheumatologist, aspirin and clexane.
There have been many on here with success rates with pregnancy, so I'm sure others will share their experiences soon.

Hi, I would got with both, as you stand a better chance. I had Fragmin right through all my pregnancies and did well on it. MaryF
Hi I did 3 cycles of IVF. 1st didn't work and they did the tests for APS and found positive. So immediate start of Aspirin. 2nd took aspirin until egg collection/reimplantation of 2 eggs, then switched to clexane for duration and had a normal birth on due date (11 years ago). Lost one baby heartbeat at 11 weeks and they considered adding the aspirin back but decided not needed.
Third cycle did both together and lost baby at2- 3 months.
I preferred being just on Clexane with the aspirin until egg reimplantation. My obstetrician put me back onto aspirin the day after her birth.
I think it is in the end a balancing act. The decisions were taken as I was a borderline case on blood test results.
Hope this helps you and good luck next cycle
Hi Yissica , tks for your sharing. Will bear your advice in mind when I next see my Rhematologist.