Home baked Gluten free seeded brown bread w... - Healthy Eating

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Home baked Gluten free seeded brown bread with ground almonds for breakfast...🌞

β€’19 Replies

Good morning everyone,

Here's a loaf of brown seeded gluten free bread I made yesterday by using my usual recipe with the addition of ground almonds. I made 2 large loaves and they've turned out really well as they've risen well the texture is good as is the taste and my only criticism is the top sank slightly when they cooled.

I love fresh bread and this was a great start to the day as the weather is inclement here as we've had very heavy rain all night. I actually really like days like this as I tend to over do things so it's really nice to get jobs done around the house when it's like, so stay safe and dry everyone. β˜”οΈ 😊

Here's the recipe:

(I added ground almonds and used 375g GF bread flour and 75g ground almonds, total 450g )

450g GF bread flour a 1 table spoon of olive oil 1 tea spoon salt 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder 1/2 tea spoon vitamin C powder, 3 free range eggs 400ml of Luke warm water with a tea spoon of brown sugar and 2 teaspoons of yeast powder. I add sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds to the mix and I sprinkled more golden flax seeds with sesame and pumpkin seeds on top. Leave it to prove for approx 30 mins and bake 170C for 25 to 30 mins.

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19 Replies
Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

Your homemade bread looks scrumptious, and I'm glad you enjoyed it for your breakfast today. That looks like a great recipe.

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Thank you Zest I had some toasted with poached egg chestnut mushrooms and baby plum toms and it went down a treat. I had the crust with butter just to test it...πŸ˜€

Zest profile image
Zest in reply to

That sounds like a lovely combination! I especially like plum tomatoes. Such a great flavour. :-)

Zest :-)

Hi Jerry

What a lovely combination of ingredients and it could easily be 'veganised' and I'm sure I could give it a go with baking powder as I can't have yeast. I may give this a go.

Well done and your home baked bread always looks and sounds delicious.πŸ˜€


in reply to

Hey thanks Alicia I shall try it with my egg replacer as I'm sure that you're right but I like to swap one thing at a time. 😊 I also like baking bread the most...😊

in reply to

I think baking bread has to be the most satisfying thing to make.πŸžπŸ˜€

in reply to

Definitely Alicia 😁

namaha profile image

Sounds good... Appearance good... But what is the bread flour you used which is gluten free ?

Thank you namaha , here's the GF bread flour I used:


Jerry 😊

Flissie profile image

Hello Jerry - yes that looks good - makes two loaves then - what size tins please? Regards, Felicity

in reply to Flissie

Hello Felicity, the bread tins are a mid size 20cm x 10cm and 6cm deep, I used slightly too much water so added a little extra flour otherwise I'd have made one large and one small loaf or some rolls.

And I'm sorry ion this is a bit vague.

Jerry 😊

Coco51 profile image

It looks very nice. And a good recipe. You don't knead it? Or stretch and fold it? That's interesting.

in reply to Coco51

Hello Coco51 thank you and you realise how elastic and amazing gluten is at binding when baking gluten free bread. This is why we have to use binders and GF bread flour contains gums like xanthian gum. And you can't knock gluten free bread back as it won't rise a second time.

Jerry 😊

Coco51 profile image
Coco51 in reply to

Right! Of course. No gluten-no stretch. So that is pretty impressive bread. Congratulations.

I make seeded sourdough every week with rye starter (the culture is now three years old and lives happily in the freezer when we go away). But have not tried gluten free. Except Yorkshire puddings once which took an hour to cook!

in reply to Coco51

Your sourdough rye bread sounds really good so good for you and I'd love to see a photo. 😊

Coco51 profile image
Coco51 in reply to

Woukd love to show a photo but not sure how to do it....

in reply to Coco51

Hi Janet, posting a photo is easy because when you write a post you post the title then you write your post and beneath that are 2 boxes one to Add Photo and one to Add Topic. Click the Add photo icon and you can now choose a photo from your phone/iPad/PC by selecting the photo that you want from your photo album so click select and et voila the photo appears with your post.

I hope this helps and anymore issues then please just say as we would love to see your bread and the more our members understand about using the forum the better.

I hope that you have a great day now.

Jerry 😊

Coco51 profile image
Coco51 in reply to

Thank you. I was trying to attach to a reply. Next time I bake I will post. I will try adding almonds to keep the carbs down, and some baking powder too. Yours looks nice and open textured. Mine is denser, but it's not gluten free as only the starter is rye. The rest is wholemeal and seeds.

in reply to Coco51

Your bread sounds really good and I'm sure others will want to see it as it's sp easy to just go and buy a loaf. 😊

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