Home baked gluten free seeded white bread. 🥖 - Healthy Eating

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Home baked gluten free seeded white bread. 🥖

25 Replies

Hi everyone,

After various comments about grinding quinoa and other grains over complicating cooking/baking, I thought I'd bake some gluten free white bread using just supermarket gf white bread mix and as I baked it this morning my house smells wonderful and wholesome and I will enjoy fresh bread rolls for my lunch today. I always add sesame seeds as they are packed with calcium are crunchy and I really like them.

Here's the recipe:

450g GF bread flour a 1 table spoon of olive oil 1 tea spoon salt 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder 1/2 tea spoon vitamin C powder, 3 free range eggs 400ml of Luke warm water with a tea spoon of brown sugar and 2 teaspoons of yeast powder. I add sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds to the mix and I sprinkled more golden flax seeds with sesame and pumpkin seeds on top. Leave it to prove for approx 30 mins and bake 170C for 25 to 30 mins

Enjoy this mini heat wave and the bank holiday now folks... 🌞⛱

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25 Replies

Wow Jerry, that looks fabulous - enjoy :)

in reply to

Hey thanks Alicia, I've already had some...😀

in reply to

I bet it was delicious, it certainly looks good.

I've now bought the sun dried tomatoes ready to make the Buckwheat Groats bread so it'll have more flavour. Just waiting for the Buckwheat to come through the post, would be much easier if I could buy in-store but never mind.

Here's to happy baking 😀

in reply to

Thanks again Alicia, I enjoy home baked bread and think yours will just get better.

The big problem with gluten free bread is the temperature that wheat starts to cook at which's 48C. Whereas most GF flours start at 70C+ To compensate for this a combination can be better. Tapioca starch is the number one choice because it starts to cook at 62C.

You can buy coarse tapioca starch "Gari" in many Asian shops and Chinese food shops sell Bot nang which's tapioca starch. I used to make my own mix and used 50g tapioca starch with a 450g loaf.

And possibly a small amount of arrowroot, which is a natural binder might be worth a try.

So good luck and I look forward to hearing how you get on. 😀

in reply to

Thank you Jerry for the information, I didn't know that. I do have my own flour mix but once I've used that up.im goingvto buy it ready mixed. The different ingredients are taking up so much room in my cupboard 🤔.

Once again, thank you.😀

Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

Your bread looks really great, and thanks for sharing the recipe. I love homemade bread. Delicious, and it always smells divine.

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Thank you Zest , me too...😊

Caz28 profile image

Mmm, the smell of home made bread! Looks great and thanks for the tip about sesame seeds, I didn’t know they had lots of calcium, adding them to my shopping list as I have osteoporosis x

in reply to Caz28

Thank you Caz28 calcium from food is absorbed by our bodies much better than supplements, I was diagnosed with borderline osteopenia 17 years ago and its still borderline and I don't need or take calcium supplements as I get plenty form my food.

You take care with osteoporosis and you don't want to sustain a fracture. 😊

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministratorVegan star

Delicious 😀😀

in reply to Kitten-whiskers

Aw thanks Debs...😁

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Sounds Yummy, and I bet it smelled Heavenly...but seems like too much work? I like simple type recipes, with minimum ingredients. Enjoy 🙂

in reply to Want2BHappy3

Hey thanks Want2BHappy3 , And each to their own as its obvious why most people buy bread from the bakers, being a coeliac changes things for me and gives me the incentive to make something that is wholesome. As long as you enjoy the bread that you buy thats the main thing. 😊

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to

Your welcome, you have to do what's best for You. I'm diabetic so I'm trying to be creative in making food for me. For the First time I tried Beets, no flavor, but suppose to be good for You? I Love making soup from scratch, I make a pot of it so it's ready made and I won't be tempted to eat something BAD. Keep baking

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Want2BHappy3

Oh, but NO doubt I would Love to try it. 🙂. I'm sure it Delicious

in reply to Want2BHappy3

Hey Want2BHappy3 well done for making your own soups as I love home made soups. I love baking my own bread so don't see it as a chore. 😊

cherv profile image

I'm days late into this recipe but I'm going to try a keto variation- Almond flour and brow sugar supplement like truvia. Hoe it works out most of my other bread recipes seem to follow on on path I love seeds in my breads and no harem adding.

in reply to cherv

Hi cherv I hope that your Keto version works out well and I'd really like to hear how you get on. 😊

cherv profile image
cherv in reply to

If your low in weight like myself I struggle to keep pounds on but I'm Type 1 and have serius seizures which the diet helps control. My husband started to drop weight 2 years ago and he has kept it off. I eat a high % almond flour, pasta staying within carb ranges. He is very low. You can maintain or gain you need to snack several times of day and the right types of food. Watch what upsets your stomach and avoid. These days tomato's bother me. I will have a big pile of scrambled eggs in the AM with small toast or cereal, oats. Lunch is a lwttuce wrap with chivken or tuna salad. Dinner is organic meat much prefer seafood, now fresh cod and Salmon are running in the Pacific Northwest dinner tonight.

in reply to cherv

Hi cherv , thank you for this. I am not diabetic I am a coeliac and I don't absorb fat well, so one thing I fortunately don't have to worry about is carbs. I am also very active so am lean and healthy.

Your meal choices sound excellent and you are dealing with having type1 very well and this is excellent advice.

Jerry 😊

cherv profile image
cherv in reply to

Jerry I've done many years of research on the keto diet since my husband started.It has been wonderful for( lost 65 lbs ) him and in controlling both my diabetic and seizure issues. I see coming from a ceolic point of view this might be difficult for example I take lactose pills before meals with milk products or soy to avoid the side effects. Plus some diarrhea pills. Thinking I'm developing having issues with fat -we eat a great deal of high quality grass fed beef and lamb.\aborption myself and a keto diet has a great deal to do with that but there is balance. Greens come in which we both love and soups. Fresh seafood- you did not mention if you ate. I'm getting up in age but do stay active and as healthy as possible. My just 6 month old Chesapeake Bay Reteriever Gives me a good walk at least 2 times a day and a good ball throwing. Dad travels on business. He is in training for becoming a seizure dog to me. Has given me some idea's for the recipe cooking group, I keep a looking on it and have tried some excellent. Have to modify for keto, have learned that is not difficult aftter all this time. The most difficult part is the first few weeks of the keto flu as they call the detox, general weakneww and headaches, I never had it bad since I went in veryslowly my endo. and neuro. did not want any huge changes. Mild detox. was cranky to be honest. If you would like ore information I catainly would be interested was speaking to Activity about this early this AM.

in reply to cherv

Hi cherv I'm really pleased for your husband as thats a great achievement and he must feel better for it.

I hope that you feel better as Keto flu sounds rotten and I will let Leah, Activity2004 know that you would like to talk to her about your headaches.

Jerry 😊

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to cherv

If you're having headaches, call your Endocrinologist and Neurologist today and set up appointments. They may have to do some adjustments to your medications. Less food= less insulin.

cherv profile image

That was when I started keto they were very careful of side effect hubby had it bad! Thee years now and he cheats once and a while special events, but I normally shop on Amazon Prime for snack food for him-gig skins, chocolate high %, bacon strips cheese roll ups, Lot's of food you can take on the road camping we were not going tent renting an RV until we fond out site could not accomidate the size we picked out. Was rainy and chilly rather head home try again next year. Thanks Leah I have appt's coming up and am running around a 5.4A1C.Could be higher have gone through 4 senors in 5 weeks, I think one entire batch was bad direct from DEXCOM.

cherv profile image

Need lts more MG in my diet! Husband is looking into other additives to go aong with that since doxtor increasing so high.

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