I'm really pleased I found this site last night,I did post an introduction but it's gone missing😕 I'm 64 weight 10 st 5lbs and only 5' 2" I'm looking to healthily loose a bit of weight. The problem is I have confirmed autoimmune thyroiditis(under active thyroid disease) arthritis and gluten/wheat intolerance I'm weighting for biopsy results to see if I'm also a celiac. I'm motivated to eat healthy and try and loose weight but mainly I want to feel well. Any advice and encouragement will be gratefully received.
Hello everyone thanks for the join, - Healthy Eating
Hello everyone thanks for the join,

Welcome! This is a really helpful online community following the NHS 12 week plan. It's not a diet but more about lifestyle changes. You will meet others and get tips and support. There are lots of other online communities where you might find support/advice on your health conditions. Personally I keep it simple. I try to eat healthily, cut out the Rubbish eg sugar processed foods and saturated fat and move more. I monitor my calories using an app called myfitnesspal it's free and I monitor my steps each day to make sure I do 10,000 per day. I walk my dogs and enjoy my life. I'm also in my 60!s. Good luck.

Thanks Florence I haven't heard of my fitness pal but do have support from other health group's I mainly need help with the gluten free diet as in what's healthy what's not.
For your "feel well" factor, I am going to suggest something different which is not diet related as others have already done that. Try Tai Chi Qigong or Tai Chi? There are many documented health benefits. I don't think you should look just to food for a "feel well" factor.
Thanks philfreetoask, I have taxi chi on DVD but I've never had a chance to try it I don't think there's any classes here but ill research the health benefits.
Good luck but it is best to learn Tai Chi from an instructor.
I don't think there is anything wrong with ur age hight n weight I weigh the same and always being told I look small I admit I'd like to be 9 n half but if I reach 60 and weigh the same I will be a happy person. Walk it's the best thing ever x
Thanks magsi I walk the dog every day for at least one hour