I am trying to loose weight and exercising for the same. Do I need to take some protein supplements so that i should not have loose skin. If yes what are the ones I can take?
Are proteins needed when loosing weight? - Healthy Eating
Are proteins needed when loosing weight?

Hello! Congrats on the decision to lose weight! A healthy diet has the right balance of fats (healthy ones live olive oil) protein (from plant sources is best....whole grains, peas, beans, legumes) and carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates.....think sweet potatoes, vegetables). Fad diets that completely restrict all of one of these basic groups are typically not going to work for long. Changing you lifestyle to toss out the sugar, and processed foods is the best way to begin along with that exercise! So to answer your question, I would make sure to get the protein you need from your diet in a healthy way and avoid the supplements.
Eat a healthy balanced diet do not waste your money on supplements I do not think it would help any way have you asked your doctor about this good luck
I am now thinking of including natural sources of protein in my diet rather than supplements
Yes I did visited my doc and she suggested to include all natural food as far as possible
Hi! I am also in a body under construction too. I go to the gym to lose weight. So far I am not advised to take in supplements YET. You can start off with the meals rich in protein. You can also ask experts of taking protein drinks.
Not protein supplements, but you need to get all the aminoacids in the foods you eat.
No supplements!, real food that have eyes.