Hi ... I just joined. I am looking to make a change in my life and eat more healthily and lose ideally a stone in weight. Any tips welcome :-).
I just signed up ... Hello everyone! - Healthy Eating
I just signed up ... Hello everyone!

Hi HitenL,
Welcome to the Healthy Eating forum. Great that you've looking ot make a change in your life and eat more healthily, and I'd like to wish you success with your goal to lose a stone in weight. Look around the posts, and hopefully you'll find something to inspire you - and also check out the NHS weight loss forum too, as they complement each other in many ways.
The NHS 12 week plan is good, and that's in the NHS Choices website.
Wishing you an excellent week.
I am obese with a big tummy. I have blood pressure and therefore find it difficult to perform sex. Could you please help me solve my problem. Your earliest response to my request will be appreciated. Thank you.
Make a weekly plan for your eating, then shop only for what you need and avoid buying anything that might tempt you to go off plan. I find if it's not in my cupboard I can't eat it.
Good luck 😉