Hi... I have bad knee pain, at times. I take meds. For the pain...I was trying to find out if anyone, no any home remedies for this condition. Tired of taking medication for the pain. Concerned about what it will do my stomach. If anyone have any ideas please let me know. Thanks
Knee pain: Hi... I have bad knee pain, at... - Healthy Eating
Knee pain

It would be worth consulting your GP and a physio about that. There are likely to be some things you can do to support your knee and reduce the pain, but you do need to determine the cause first.
There are specific exercises that stregthen the muscles round your knees and that can help a lot, but you have to be very patient, it is not a speedy remedy. Cycling on a stationary or normal bike will help and give you a good workout. Running is really hard on knees, as is hill climbing (coming down is worse). It can help to wear a support bandage on your knee while exercising, I find tubi-grip works well. And when walking using walking poles takes a lot of stress off knees. If you can afford the money and time, a couple of visits to a sports physio can help a lot, as they will give you the correct advice for your knees. And of course, as you lose weight, your knees will thankyou!
Hope this helps x
Without knowing what is wrong with your knee I don't see how you treat it? I believe in treating the cause, not the symptom. Pain is telling you there is something wrong.
Exercise and strengthening is good generally but there are some conditions it will aggravate.
In my experience seeing a physio is far more effective than a GP but you will have to go privately.
Definitely agree with the physio already suggested. My husband has suffered with arthritis in his knees having to attend A&E on occasions to have them drained and the most effective remedy has been physio. If painkillers are causing stomach problems then painkilling injections may be an option to avoid the stomach. Paracetamol by injection is surprisingly good and in another league altogether than the oral version! I also get knee pain (due to old injuries) and know how painful it can be so good luck!!
I found Glucosamine , cod liver oil and omega 3 helpful . I used have very bad left knee pain . That was 10 yrs ago . Now I am pain free . Glucosamine worked wonders !
Don't know what your problem is but I did have bad knee pain which disappeared after I had lost a few stone and exercised more but this may not help you if its a condition which won't improve by this method
Hi Beatnick2, I have contended with knee and other joint pain for years, but I know mine is just age catching up with me! I have used Blue Emu (Walmart with the painkillers if you are in the US) which works surprisingly well. The next step up is Penetrex which I have to buy online and is rather pricey, but it's good stuff. They both reduce inflammation and have helped me quite a bit. Though getting a dr's diagnosis is definitely good advice. Blue Emu and Penetrex have helped me stay off the NSAID's and other painkillers, but like the other posters say, it will depend on the diagnosis. If you see swelling, they may help at least some.