( Triggers: survival guilt, CoVID 19, blood)
Sorry guys I am not all the way up but my anxiety is skyrocketing excuse my grammar. Okay, let’s get to the point... I have survivals guilt not from Covid but it started my freshman year of high school. My friend who grew up died from the same flu I had we both ran 104 F for 3 days. He did not survive. It kinda broke me. Let’s fast forward to 2018 years out of high school. All in one year I lost my cousin,uncle, dad, second cousin, and great uncle all in one year. Now do to Covid 19 I lost one of my uncle’s ( who no one cared for but I am just saying this cause I don’t grief) my uncle who is in N.C. has coronavirus, and my step father who is traveling.An here I am stuck in Florida, working in a thrift store mind you with an autoimmune system,2 anemia’s, high anxiety disorder, elderly parents and of course PTSD. Now mind you this isn’t my choice to work but I need the money for my meds and if I leave I won’t get unemployment. Now here is the kicker few weeks ago I had a mental break down AT WORK and cried to the point I wanted to throw up ( kinda what my meds are for but I can’t take to many cause it is a sedative and it will knock me out and I got to drive home)Nobody really cared.... A couple of days I lashed out at my manager ( which was honestly me speaking out cause he wanted me to use a Machinery that I can’t use without training and if I got hurt OSHA would have a field day) I been working understaffed for about two months my body is ready to give up ( back pains (( which isn’t good cause I have issues with my back was in a really bad car crash)), heat stress, carpal tunnel) mind you I am only 28!. I just don’t know what to do people aren’t staying 6 ft away and wearing a mask. Even our governor wants people to bring back Disney and open up schools. My anixety is at a all time high to the point I am starting to see visions of what happen over again and a very weird vision that I had when I was dealing with 2018 incident( it is like I am standing in a river of blood and hands are trying to grab me and pull me down) I try and shake this off. But I feel like I am not grounded anymore this is effecting my physical health by stress eating ( which is really hard to control now but I am doing my best with portions and exercise) body pains and mental health with my ptsd. I just don’t know what to do now ... I am trying to be patient and wait for the state to lock down on its own but day by day. I see how little people care about people like me the autoimmune and the elderly family. Is There anything you guys could suggest to help me ground myself again when I am at work ? ( kinda hard to take deep breaths through a mask in a really hot warehouse with another covering over the mask) help me with my sleeping issue of going to bed so early and waking up late at night with stress eating cravings? To stand people’s ignorance without going off the edge especially when they call COVID a hoax? And how to get out of “ fight mode” ?I know I can’t fight this with my anemia’s and my family sake on the line and I won’t flee from this when it effects my family (and to be deeply honest I didn’t even wanted to make this post but I now know I can’t do it alone anymore... help..)