I can’t take a deep breath
I Locked all the doors
I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what I’m feeling other than a utter panic
Please helo
I can’t take a deep breath
I Locked all the doors
I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what I’m feeling other than a utter panic
Please helo
Hi meredithr,
I'm sorry it happened out of nowhere after being well for so long.
Sounds like a panic attack.
Sometimes something can trigger us on subconscious level and we don't know why but feel this way.
If breathing didn't help, can you try to do some grounding exercises to feel you are in here and now. For example, name things you can see, things you can hear, smell, touch, taste.
Slow movements of the body like rotating your ankles etc can help.
Sometimes nothing seems to help for a while and then just knowing that eventually it will just pass, is helpful to just get through it.
Do you have something you can watch maybe to distract yourself?
Those things come from a lot of stress and triggers. Eventually the body finds it hard and needs a release.
I have had somatic experiencing therapy and it helped me through a lot of anxiety, panic and really unbearable feelings (physical and emotional).
I wanted to say more the other day but I was shut down
Thanks again and using the ankle movement technique has helped me soo much!